What's Going on Today, June 2020


I would like to note here that Bishop Reed counselled the entire Central Ward congregation not to receive my fast and testimony meeting testimonies from the pulpit well. He counselled them not to smile at me or do anything in any way that would be encouraging to me.

In a sacrament meeting one time he said that this was one of his favorite scriptures:

Alma 5:26 "And now behold, I say unto you, my brethren, if ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?"

Gyptian has taken the responsibility for using technology to make me feel the physical manifestations of fear. She is afraid I will become President and needs to feel that I am afraid.

Amanda the housekeeper is still in the dark. She has been lead to believe that she should give up on me because I will not ask her for help. She does not know that she would become the good cop out of the good cop, bad cop scheme and that she would be tortured into betraying me.


Early this morning I got back from the food bank and there were several firefighters getting on the elevator before me. Karen Rodriguez had taken responsibility for setting this staged interaction. Gyptian proposed the idea to Karen on behalf of Baldy. If I were to get on the elevator, the firefighters were ready to anally rape me. Karen told the firefighters that I would get on the elevator, because I am overanxious to show everyone how brave I am. The firefighters agreed that if I got on the elevator, they would take responsibility for the anal rape.

The moment I saw the firefighters I had a feeling that something was up. I did not feel that I was in any great danger, but I felt a peaceful quiet feeling that if I did not get on the elevator, things would go a lot better. I didn't get on the elevator.

The good surveillists are still in peril. Things are not safe for them. Many people may feel that I ought to feel free to ask people to help me that are nearby. Things are not safe for the good surveillists when bad surveillists can set things like this up. The good surveillists' families and friends are still under threat.

Now is a good time to keep cool and bide our time. Just because you feel safe doesn't mean there is no danger out there. The Holy Spirit can give you a feeling of peace when you are surrounded by danger.


It is also worth reporting that surveillists meddled with workers in the Nashville Temple Presidency. They knew that I felt I got blessings from doing the temple work for some of the dead there. Because I felt I got blessings, they wanted to make sure that the people I did temple work for did not get the work done for them. The Temple Presidency and other workers kept track of the names and made sure that the work eventually got done for these people. I can remember one time I saw one of the former Nashville Temple Presidents and he was so afraid I would speak to him about the surveillists he was shaking very severely. It was not a comfortable sight for me to see considering how old he was at the time.

Surveillists were also involved in convincing members and others to have an orgy in the Nashville temple. Surveillists were hoping that I would lose my faith in the Church if they had an orgy in the temple. They were hoping that if they could get me to lose my faith in the Church it would be more easy to molest me.

They also got the Temple Presidency to cooperate in allowing surveillist agents to pose as members performing ordinances in the Nashville temple. This was also in an attempt to destroy my faith in the Church.

And they lied to the McMinnville Stake President and told him I was having sexual intercourse with sister Lucille Alkire, the woman I was home teaching. They told him all kinds of lies. Many members were telling Wanas Martin that they knew me well enough to know that I wasn't the kind of person who would have sexual intercourse with a member that I wasn't married to. Surveillists were telling President Martin that I was having sexual intercourse with Lucille and that I had many friends that were so faithful to me that they would lie for me and that I was making a fool out of President Martin. Even after the Stake Presidency was reorganized by Apostle Boyd K. Packer President Martin still thought I was making a fool out of him. There were other Stake officials that were convinced I was having sexual intercourse with Lucille including President Martin's secretary. Gelinas was the secretaries name. Surveillists were hoping that if they could make my leaders angry with me that I would lose my faith and that I wouldn't feel welcome in Church. Surveillists were hoping I would be more easy to molest if I lost my faith in the Church and my leaders.

I am praying that the people in Idaho that are organizing my family records and temple work will be safe from surveillist interference.


By the way, while I was at Valleywise I called the police and allowed one of them to copy notes out of my journal to report what was going on in the hospital. I don't know what ever became of him except that he was probably anally raped. Later a Russian female doctor, probably the spouse of the other Russian male doctor who was my doctor for a time, threatened to give me a shot if I continued to call the police. A policeman who worked in the hospital (yes they have their own policeman in the building {judges too. One of my judges was very chummy with the woman who was supposed to defend me. The same lawyer was very chummy with the nurses and staff who were working with surveillists to molest me. This same lawyer accused me of character faults that surveillists told her I had when I was in counsel with her. Is a counsel with one's lawyer an appropriate place to accuse a defendant with accusations that third parties have made? This same lawyer has had sexual intercourse with patients in the hospital and thinks little of staff or anyone else having sexual intercourse with patients or government agents working to entrap patients in sexual behavior that could lead to their prosecution or cruel and unusual punishment. This same lawyer thought little of government agents molesting patients as a way of punishing them for crimes. This same lawyer thought little of government agents using patient's lawyers to have them declared seriously mentally ill so they can prescribe disturbing and disorienting medications to them. This same lawyer had been molested by patients that she had sexual intercourse with on hospital premises. She ought to be asked, should anyone be surprised if a staff member in the hospital should be molested by an inmate patient that he or she has sexual intercourse with? If a lawyer is foolish enough to have sexual intercourse with an inmate patient, does that justify allowing staff to treat the inmate with cruel and unusual punishment? Isn't it the duty of the lawyer to see that the inmate is not cruelly or unusually punished? Is it okay for a staff member to use his authority as a nurse to force an inmate to listen to his sexual advances while he is resting in his room? Of course there will be some nurses and technicians who will not know who they will blackmail into performing oral sex upon themselves when they can't blackmail any of their friends to do it.}) told me that if I saw a crime committed I should report it to one of the nurses. This same policeman is the type of person as Alan, my step-brother who, along with the rest of his brothers, has learned to have sexual intercourse with his mother. This same policeman worked with a bigoted black nurse to try to traumatize me into being afraid of black people. He did do his duty when I reported that "Robert" the excommunicated Church member threatened that I would have my finger bitten off if I didn't stop pointing at people.


Yesterday when I returned from the food bank a young woman was walking away from me just before I got to my apartment. The Cuban maintenance man was also in the hallway. She was ready to accuse me of sexual harassment at another place and time. I could tell that she was going to take responsibility for accusing me of something, but I didn't know what. I was prompted to say, "I wouldn't if I were you." The Cuban maintenance man, at least he said he was Cuban one time as I asked him on the elevator in front of another maintenance man, was there to witness I was harassing her about my religion if I gave her a testimony of Jesus Christ or told her that Jesus loves her. After I said what I said the Cuban maintenance man continued to look up at me. After I closed the door I sang out a few bars of the US Presidential march. I didn't know she was going to give such a witness at the time. She was not really a tenant of the building but a visitor. She does not qualify for a lease here. This "Cuban" maintenance man is also part of the extortion ring involved with my arrest on 12-26-16. He is there to help cover for his friends. Previous to this event I said to someone, "I wouldn't do anything you can't back up." I think this is why they had the Cuban maintenance man there this time.

There have already been people who have reported I have abused them. There was one yesterday. After I climbed up the steps heading west from the reception area and was just about to go through the doors to the inner outside area of the building, there was a woman that I could see through the glass doors. I am guessing this woman was about 5'4". She was facing me. One glass door opened into the inner open area. Another glassed door opened into the apartment area again on the first floor. This accusing woman was in the inside area looking out at me. She was ready to take responsibility for other women in the apartment complex to say that I had sexually molested them or made improper sexual advances. The girl in the above paragraph was ready to be the first example of someone who would accuse me besides this first woman and get away with it. Along with my lease I received some documentation of how women can anonymously report sex offenders without taking them to law.

My sister Mary Ellen has been in contact with Karen Rodriguez to see how they might get me killed in an automobile accident or some other accident.

7:47pm yesterday. A guy looking for a "Barry" knocked on my door. Because of what I was feeling prophetic about surveillists wanted to anally rape and kill me in the worst way. The knocker was there to quickly force his way into my room and rape me with accomplices who would come later. I was scared and the Holy Spirit told me not to let him in.

8:23pm yesterday. Another passed by in the hallway while I was writing about surveillists convincing President Martin I was making a fool out of him.

3:12pm Arizona Time.

I went down to get my mail. Some police were down in the lobby. Then they used their technology to make me feel the physical manifestations of fear. They were hoping that I would confront the officers and ask them if they knew of any conspiracy to make me feel the physical manifestations of fear or if I would give them a testimony of Jesus Christ or if I would ask if they were real policemen or not. They also used technology that made it so I did not see the actual faces of the policemen but the faces of other people. The "policemen" were going to anally rape me if I asked about any conspiracy or testified of Christ.

Gyptian took joint responsibility for the interaction along with some people there who were her friends and Ricky also took joint responsibility. These people wanted to see me anally raped because Gyptian, Baldy and Karen got anally raped multiple times by the "firemen" from yesterday. Alexa and Amanda the housekeeper took joint responsibility for it too. Gyptian was really mad because she thought she was going to avoid being responsible because she was only a go-between between Baldy and Karen. But Karen never would have taken responsibility if it weren't for Gyptian.

Gyptian is really good (or really bad actually) at appealing to people's sense of revenge and wanting to get even with someone. Gyptian desperately wants for me to be afraid of her. The "policmen" were going to take responsibility for the rape if I asked the questions. Gyptian insisted that I am overeager to show how brave I am. If Gyptian was right, the "policemen" were going to take responsibility for the anal rape. I think everyone in the lobby could see that I was afraid. I would rather be a little afraid than to be anally raped. It's amazing the things you have to go through around here to just to get your mail.


"That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 1:7).

"Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy" (1 Peter 4:12-13).

I know that as we endure well the trials we go through in these days, we can look forward to seeing and knowing our Savior once again. And how happy that day will be when he tells us and we know inside ourselves that He is proud of us.


My response to Central Ward changes.

President Ross recently announced changes in some of the Central Ward officials.

It is interesting that he started by pointing out that members should be safe. In fact President Ross and Bishop Reed and many of their underlings in the priesthood are responsible for the danger that most Central Ward members are in. No doubt several Ward members and officials have spoken to the press telling them they feel safe in the Phoenix Central Ward area. At a later time it will be confirmed that Central Ward members are not safe at all.

It is also interesting that I was sent a copy of this email announcing changes in the Central Ward priesthood. I was never sent an email when David Boyce was released from the Ward Bishopric or when Tanner Yeates was called to the Ward Bishopric. Undoubtedly the new appointees have spoken to the press saying something to confirm President Ross's and Bishop Reed's stories regarding my unworthiness. As well these new appointees have led some other members in bearing testimony that President Ross and Bishop Reed stories regarding me are true. Or at least they are getting other members to at least act like President Ross and Bishop Reed's stories about me are true.

I've had a little time to ponder this and will write to you what really is happening behind the scenes.

First off, since I am in a media vacuum, I have to go over what has happened. I've had some time to ponder that.

Undoubtedly, President Nelson has been asked if I was correct about the Area Presidency being able to judge my worthiness once I have made my reports. Of course, President Nelson confirmed this. He also confirmed that members are to act as if President Ross and Bishop Reed are worthy priesthood holders when and if the Area Presidency makes a decision regarding their worthiness. Also, President Nelson was undoubtedly asked if President Ross and Bishop Reed had any authority to tell those under their authority if I was a bad person or not. And President Nelson was also asked if they said I was a bad person, wasn't the rest of the Church membership supposed to act like what President Ross and Bishop Reed were telling the truth. I'm sure President Nelson agreed to both counts.

I suspect that President Ross and Bishop Reed have said that they were working with surveillists to see if I would do something wrong.

Bishop Reed would prefer to have President Ross be the one responsible for my death. Bishop Reed has been responsible to be the shame shield for President Ross for spreading most of the rumors about me. Undoubtedly {I will probably be using that word a lot} President Ross has died of shame for plotting to kill me, for convincing many Ward members to take responsibility for molesting my psychiatrist, and for having sexual relations with his children. It is common knowledge that he is corrupt. Bishop Reed has died of shame for saying I was a bad missionary while he was not. Many members have died of shame for taking responsibility of getting my psychiatrist to become addicted to having sexual intercourse with his children. It is my guess that Jacob Lythgoe did not want to take responsibility for getting my psychiatrist addicted to having sexual intercourse with his children.

Later on I will explain how Jacob took responsibility for something of his own initiative. For showing such initiative he was deemed worthy of becoming counselor to the Elder's Quorum President.

Recently I wrote about sister Rosenthal and Tiffani Romero. I mentioned that sister Rosenthal would just as likely court a person like me as betray him to anal rapists and murderers. And I said that Tiffani was just like her. Upon further questioning sister Rosenthal will admit that she considered having me as her eternal companion at the singles activity in question. But I didn't really go into Tiffani because I couldn't place a date on the time she was considering me as an eternal companion. I can roughly say when the date was. I can also say who the people involved were and where it occurred.

This occurred in the Central Ward meetinghouse where the hallway to the south entrance joins the south hallway that leads to the Central Ward Bishop's office. It occurred sometime before or after (probably after) I sent out the July 2019 emails that explained that I was not a child molester and that President Ross had lied about me to get me off Church grounds. Frank, the new member I spoke of in a letter to Bishop Reed who another member, Carrie, prevented me from explaining about caffeinated soft drinks, Frank was there. There were also two missionaries. One of those missionaries was really hostile to me at a later sacrament meeting which I believe I already wrote about. And Tiffani was there.

Both of the missionaries had spoken to Tiffani and told her that I would make a really good eternal companion. Frank was aware that they were trying to convince Tiffani of this. They were all to facilitate any interaction between Tiffani and I. The run-in I had with all four of them was staged by surveillists. The missionaries were acting as surveillist agents. They were hoping that Tiffani and I would interact and be attracted to each other.

When I bumped into them, they were all friendly. This was a little bit of a surprise to me at the time, because everyone was being told to stay away from me by Bishop Reed and surveillists after I had convinced most members at that time that I was not a child molester after all. They were hoping if they were nice to me that I would get lost in Tiffani's eyes and have pre-marital sex with her. After they had gotten me sexually active they figured it would be easier to escalate an anal rape from there and discredit me in some other way. Since Tiffani would be breaking the law of chastity, they would be able to blackmail her into silence about anything they did to me.

The thing that was so telling was how Tiffani trembled when I said hello to her. Tiffani trembled like a person that knew her performance could affect her eternal life and the companion she would have. The others witnessed this. It was just a quick trembling that lasted only an instant but they all saw it.

Now I can't keep using the word "undoubtedly" to phrase every thing I miss in my media vacuum, so I will just say I haven't seen any of these things on TV.

Recently Jacob Lythgoe, who is good at getting women to testify against men who have born a witness against them, got Tiffani to witness that I threatened to kill people to cover for Bob Parker and to discredit me. So you see Tiffani really is the kind of person who would consider marrying a man and then turn the same person over to the mercy of a bunch of murderers and anal rapists.

Jacob Lythgoe volunteered to convince Tiffani to do this and stand by her as she lied. Then he talked about how I had maligned his lying wife. He has been in contact with Bishop Reed and Bishop Reed is promising to get Caitlin back into Church membership. This is known to many in his inner circle. Under pressure from surveillists Bishop Reed knows that President Eyring denied that his shoulder was dislocated. Bishop Reed and those in his inner circle thinks that he can influence President Eyring, through the threat of surveillist torture and coercion, to get Caitlin back into Church membership. It would be better to confront them about this at a much later time. If President Eyring says that his shoulder was not dislocated, members and others I hope will act like his shoulder was not dislocated.

Bobby Parker mentioned that I had threatened to kill people in my emails at a singles activity in the meetinghouse. It is likely that Jacob got the other attendees to say that I threatened to kill people at that time. At that activity Bobby prompted everyone to explain how they study scriptures. It was known by two of the elder sisters there that I study my scriptures early in the morning. So these two sisters said they did as well. These two sisters are also of the type that would consider you as an eternal companion and then betray you to anal rapists and murderers. There was a black member there that was happy to have sexual intercourse with sister Rosenthal, since she became sexually excited at the prospect of attending a meeting with me. This black member knew that surveillists wanted me to break the law of chastity and anally rape me and it didn't bother him in the least to use this as an opportunity to have sexual relations with a sister who had become sexually excited. It did not bother him in the least to know that surveillists were vying to anally rape me or to offer me any kind of warning. He is more concerned about having sexual intercourse with any women that might become sexually aroused.

To cover for Bobby Jacob probably got many of the women in the Ward to testify against me. This marks a time of transition. Previous to this the men of the Ward were bearing false testimony against me. Now, thanks to Jacob Lythgoe our supposedly faithful Central Ward Elder's Quorum President Counselor, the women of the Ward are bearing false testimony against me too.

Jacob's motivation is that he will do anything to have sexual intercourse with his wife, Caitlin. Jacob is sick and tired of having his father or others perform oral sex upon him and will do anything to have sexual intercourse with a woman. Jacob hopes to get Caitlin back into Church membership by discrediting me and the fact that I have revealed she bore false testimony against me. In order to get Caitlin back into Church fellowship Jacob would have the entire female membership of the Ward perjure themselves. He would drag all the Central Ward sisters down to the level of himself and his wife just to make his wife happy so he can continue to have sexual intercourse with her.

Tanner Yeates, Joe Pike and Mel Johnson have all died of shame on camera and are discredited in the eyes of the common public. By the way Tanner is very much like Micah's husband. He has absolutely no control over who she sleeps with. He lives with it. He doesn't know how to live without his wife or his corrupt Church leaders.

Jacob Lythgoe is probably leading other women to witness against me to protect Tiffani and sister Rosenthal. I wouldn't put it past sister Rosenthal and her friends to get their children to witness against me as well.

Both sister Rosenthal and Tiffani call themselves "native" meaning native American. Not all native Americans have it in their culture to bear false witness against men to get their own way, but many do and I'm not speaking of any of their tribes specifically. I'm talking about the lower classes of native American in every tribe.

When I was still travelling around in this area living out of my van, surveillists would use all kinds of "natives" to play all kinds of games with me. One of their favorite games is to try to convince you you are prejudiced against native Americans. They will try to isolate you and make you feel obligated to have sexual intercourse with one of them. After they have gotten you to have sexual intercourse with them they will continue to try to isolate you to keep you addicted to them. They will also use all kinds of peer pressure to try to manipulate you into doing what they want. They will organize with other women and they will trade sexual intercourse with other men, native and not, to seduce you, if they have a mind to. This is a tailor-made kind of extortion for surveillists to take advantage of. Hispanics often play these games too. It is the culture from the native American blood that gets them to do it.

Now at first you probably think that I am prejudiced. How could that possibly be? The very first way Bishop Ross organized to get me sexually active, right after he learned that I didn't masturbate, was to spread a rumor around the Ward that I didn't like the idea of having sexual intercourse with native Americans or Hispanics. But what ended up happening was one of the missionaries that was used to spread this rumor ended up having sexual intercourse with the intended Hispanic native American woman.

If you don't believe this is a cultural problem in the Central Ward area, ask all the men in the Central Ward if they have every had sexual intercourse with a Hispanic or native American woman. Ask them if the feel they can resist having sexual intercourse with a native American or Hispanic woman, if she really wants to have sexual intercourse with him. Then ask them at a later time if they have ever had sexual intercourse with a Hispanic or native American woman. You will see some blushing. Almost the entire priesthood was convinced I was going to have sexual intercourse with the Hispanic woman they arranged for me to sit next to in one sacrament meeting.

The reason there is this problem in the Central Ward is that you are mixing the lowest class of Latter-day Saints with the lowest class of Hispanics and native Americans. If you will corner a native American woman, sometimes she will admit to playing these kinds of games to isolate a man. There are so many games I can't possibly list them. Like sister Rosenthal and Tiffani they will draw together when they are caught. The reason the Central Ward is so weak is that even the leaders of the Ward and Stake cannot keep themselves from having sexual intercourse with a really determined native American or Hispanic woman. If you should be seduced by such a woman, there is no really sympathetic Ward or Stake leader you can go to. The lower class Hispanics and native Americans sometimes become determined to seduce a man, to validate their own ways of doing things. If they can corrupt any man who stands for sexual relations within the bounds of marriage, they feel they have justified their way of doing things.

Of course, if you really had this problem, you could go to the Area Presidency, but then you would have to go back to living in your Ward. Your Ward would still be a place where the native Americans and Hispanics could influence everyone to get you to have sexual intercourse with a native American or Hispanic again. You see many priesthood holders are afraid if they try to help you they themselves will be a target. And most of them would like to stay chaste if they can. Many priesthood holders are afraid of this kind of persecution and will yield to and even assist in the ways of the native Americans and Hispanics.

I still believe if you were really determined and you went to your Area Presidency for help, no matter how many times you might fall, you would prevail as long as you kept going to your Area Presidency. You might have to live for a time with everyone in the Ward being against you for a time. But what is at stake? To put it bluntly, the integrity of your sexual relationship with your future companion is at stake. If you don't go to get help, you will have an unfaithful and dis-functional sexual relationship with your future companion, just like most of the men in the Central Ward. You will likely have a problem with self-control and keeping your mind on your relationship with your companion. It will cost you in your relationship with your companion if you don't get the help you need.

Since this is such a big part of the foibles of our culture today, it is really worth going into. It is worth going into the origins of native American and Hispanic game-playing in our culture.

Since all Hispanics are of native American descent, I will refer only to native Americans. One of the games that Hispanic women like to play is that they spoil the male children and cause them to grow up to be inexperienced and clumsy socially. This is to prepare him to be easily manipulated by her future daughter-in-law. White men that live among Hispanics notice this, but they are afraid to come out and actually say it. Native American women grow their sons up to be stupid essentially.

My mother is of native American descent. One of her games is to not teach me how to cook. She makes me really good food to eat and she won't teach me how to cook it. She feels that she would be undermining her power over me or she would be undermining my future companion. She plans on being a better friend to my future companion than to me as well. She plans to show her how to manipulate me so that my negative dominating traits (according to my mother all men are like this. There is no changing it. No amount of reform will change this. {by the way her father was a jealous husband and she married two jealous husbands. She doesn't know any other kind of man to be in a relationship but a jealous man. She doesn't know any kind of relationship with a man but with a disfunctional one.}) don't spoil our marriage or ruin our children's upbringing. She has it all figured out how she is going to keep me from ruining my children's lives.

The following is another native American game. Keep your husband poor and be the breadwinner. That way when he wants something to eat, he has to be nice to you. Occasionally I talk to my mother that I would like to make more money so that I could afford a family. She would like it if my companion were the breadwinner. She could care less if I bring home a decent paycheck. As far as she is concerned the fact that I am mentally ill would just make it easier for my companion to manipulate me. For my mother that is a good thing.

Women dominating men starts in the stone-age culture of native Americans. While the men go out and hunt, the women gather roots and tubers. The women play up to the men's egos. They will encourage the men to think they are these great hunters. This way the men spend all their time in unfruitful activities and they stay in the stone-ages. Anthropologists who camp out with people in these cultures have found that most of the calories in their diets come from roots and things that the women gather. Most of the hunts the men go on are unfruitful and a waste of time.

What is a stone-age culture? How do they come about?

Hugh Nibley would say that stone-age cultures are simply the remnants of higher cultures that have been destroyed. This is very much in agreement with the gospel if you think about it.

After Adam and Eve were ejected from the garden of Eden Heavenly Father didn't exactly abandon them. Just as now Heavenly Father knew that in order for Adam and Eve to be happy and to raise their children right they would need scriptures. One of the first things Heavenly Father taught Adam and Eve was how to make paper. And they needed all kinds of things like clothing. They had to have steel too. You don't get very far along in the Bible before they start talking about razors in Numbers 6:5. They always had a knowledge of how to work steel.

One of the most important technologies that supports all others is record-keeping. I have a degree in mechanical engineering. You can teach people all kinds of technology if you just know how to write them down. Heavenly Father would not abandon Adam and Eve to live in a primitive stone-age culture.

What really makes the difference between a stone-age culture and a civilized culture is the gospel. An instructive movie to see is "The Extraordinary Tale of William Buckley". It explains how the aborigines in Australia lived. They would do a lot of horrible things to each other and to themselves. Things that they would put you in jail for or a mental institution if you did them today. They were cannibals and did many other terrible things.

Now today is a day where we have a lot of moral relativism and many people will say that one culture is just as good as another culture. But if you really study many stone-age cultures, you'll see that they often do things that are just plain wrong. Many cultures are bad, and it's important to realize that. When something is bad, you first have to recognize that it is bad before you can take steps to avoid it.

In William Buckley's days they felt that the solution to the bad things that many stone-age cultures do is to teach them the gospel.

Stone-age cultures are invariably the remnants of once greater cultures. This is one of the lessons of the Book of Mormon. The story of the Book of Mormon is of two cultures. One culture was of lighter-skinned people friendly to the gospel called the Nephites. Another culture was of a darker-skinned people antagonistic to the gospel called the Lamanites.

The Lamanites had a lot of faults that were characteristic of their culture. It was prophesized to the Nephites that if they did not live their religion, they would be scourged by the Lamanites and eventually wiped out. Eventually the Nephites became very wicked and were wiped out. Since they were taught the gospel and disobeyed it, they were considered to be more wicked than the Lamanites.

Some of the happiest and most prosperous times in the Nephite history was when they were very active in teaching the gospel to the Lamanites. In the time of the Nephites there was all kinds of technology, mining, steel, construction and other technologies. But when the Nephites were wiped out, all these technologies were lost. It's the freedom that the gospel brings that fosters a thriving environment where useful technologies can be developed.

The reason we have had such a boom in technology in the United States is the free enterprise system that fosters invention and innovation. And our God-given Constitution fosters the environment that a free enterprise system needs to grow. There isn't any other explanation of the historically unprecedented boom in technology we have experienced in the United States.

Many native American women have no desire to get out of a stone-age culture and would even like to return to it. What they value is having a relationship with a man more than the conveniences of technology, like medicine or plentiful food. And of course what is of more value? Isn't a faithful relationship with a man more valuable to any woman than all the technology or modern conveniences we have? Many native American women can see no good in the gospel if it doesn't offer them some kind of security in a faithful relationship. The Book of Mormon notes many faults of the Lamanite people, but it also notes that Lamanite couples are more faithful to their spouses than Nephite couples. When this happens I can see why the Lord would prefer to let the Nephites be wiped out.

Today the men of the priesthood are having the same problems with many Hispanics and native Americans that the Nephites were having with the Lamanites in their day. This is a disgrace to the priesthood and the Church. If more men would live the gospel and be faithful to their wives, native Americans and Hispanics would see the good of chaste marital relations.

Now the games women play in stone-age cultures are really horrible. But at the same time, if priesthood holders are unfaithful and easily corrupted and will even work against other priesthood holders who are trying to keep themselves chaste, don't those priesthood holders deserve to be victims of those games?

One source of Lamanite problems is that they generally all have pre-marital sexual intercourse. Anthropologists have camped out with these people and gotten to know people who live in stone-age cultures. I have studied anthropology and I know what I am talking about. Anthropologists report that in these stone-age cultures they have marriages, but marriages usually don't happen until the parties involved have already become sexual active with each other. Sometimes, as in our culture these days, people may have several sexual partners before deciding on a committed relationship.

Part of the problem is that these people are often naked most of the time. In some climates it is so hot that people don't want to wear clothes.

Not too long ago I saw a video of apostles visiting the Yanomami in South America. I guess we are teaching them the gospel now. Their traditional dress is to be mostly naked. Part of our tradition or faith is that we wear clothes to cover our temple garments (a sacred clothing worn beneath our clothes). I am not a missionary to these people, but I believe that if they were taught to believe that if they wore clothes to cover their temple garments in spite of the heat, they would have more control over themselves sexually and it would strengthen their relationships with their companions. Part of the reason these people have several sexual partners before they are married is because they do not wear sufficient clothing. For those that would embrace the teaching they would find that they were much more faithful in spirit to their wives if they would learn to be chaste before marriage.

Now my mother thinks very much in the way of a native American. She thinks that a steady marriage comes from a man being addicted to sexual intercourse with a specific partner. She feels that I should start having sexual intercourse with several partners until I become addicted to one specifically. She would like to see me physically sexually addicted, financially dependent and also dependent for food on a specific woman.

I feel that what I should do is to learn to avoid sexual intercourse until I am married. If I can learn to control myself, I will be less likely to have sexual intercourse outside of marriage after I am married. Also, if I learn to control myself, I will be less likely to have sexual intercourse with other men and men that would anally rape me. If I can avoid sexual addictions I will be less likely also to anally rape my companion and break her heart like my father broke my mother's heart.

Now I've written about a lot of taboo things here. A lot of people think that if you notice something about any culture that is bad, that you are some kind of bigot or racist. But if my opinion of the faults of stone-age cultures, particularly among those of native Americans, are not true, ask the priesthood holders that worked with surveillists why they circulated a rumor that I felt that native American or Hipanic women are unattractive. Didn't they expect that I would end up having sexual intercourse with the Hispanic woman they arranged to have me sit next to? This was in early 2016 when I first started going back to Church meetings.

Furthermore I maintain that my interpretation of the gospel is true. Heavenly Father taught Adam and Eve all kinds of useful technology after they were ejected from the garden of Eden. Most people would die being left alone in the world without knowing any of the technology they would need to live. Being able to keep records is a technology that all other technologies build upon.

Now to write something about the remaining priesthood reorganization.

Taylor Anderson is the kind of guy that feels his salvation is somehow linked to his relationship with his Bishop and Stake President. Specifically, he feels his salvation is linked to the people who will judge him. He feels that what is important is to maintain a friendly relationship with his Bishop and Stake President. He is also one of the kind of members who will do the bare minimum to get into heaven. You simply can't get into the highest heaven with this attitude.

Taylor comes from a long line of ancestors that feel if you get along well with your local leaders, you are on the path to heaven. Those from his family have noticed that if you are no more virtuous than your Bishop and Stake President, you will get along with them and you can pass any worthiness interview. They have also noticed that if you act like you believe whatever your local leaders say, if they mislead you, as long as you do what they say, higher authorities will not old you responsible for anything you did wrong. They will hold the local leaders responsible. Taylor comes from generations of members that only care about if they get along with Church leaders. They feel if they get along with Church leaders then they are on the path to heaven.

Taylor and his ancestors have also found that if they really believe what they are told by their local leaders, they will be even more likely to get along with their local leaders. If you really believe what your local leaders tell you, you are more likely to act like you believe your local leaders. If your leaders are are trying to get you to do things and you do them like you believe in them, your leaders will trust that you will follow their instructions and they will be less likely to chastise you.

Now the Church teaches that there are some people who can't tell the difference between right and wrong. People who are mentally retarded or mentally ill fall into that class of people. People who are mentally retarded or mentally ill are not responsible if they follow bad instructions from their local leaders. But sane people like Taylor are responsible for what they do. Taylor, and people like him, neglect their responsibility to pray to know the truth of what leaders teach. All they want to do is to get along. They have no love of righteousness or they will only have a love of righteousness that their leaders demonstrate. And if their leaders lack righteousness, they will not demonstrate that kind of righteousness for fear of making waves.

Taylor is not an idiot. He has enough sense to see that Bishop Reed hates me and that surveillists would like to anally rape me. He sees the easiest solution to the problem is to not acknowledge the problem. He maintains a state of denial that there even is a problem and that his Bishop is corrupt. He isn't worried, because he has chosen not to believe there is a problem. He feels no obligation to do anything, because he doesn't seek to be responsible in the first place. As far as he is concerned, if he does anything wrong, Bishop Reed will be responsible. If I get anally raped or murdered, why should he care. He feels sure that he can say he was only following orders.

And if he was an abject idiot, that would be an acceptable excuse. But he is not an abject idiot, he is a sane person who is choosing to act the part of an abject idiot. Will there be a punishment for choosing to act the part of an abject idiot just for the sake of getting along with corrupt leaders? Of course there will be.

People like Taylor are more dangerous than the most malevolent criminals. Why? Because they will do whatever a corrupt leader will tell them to do. And in the case of being Elder's Quorum President others will follow his example. People like Taylor can easily be led into an irresponsible mob and can be led to do anything. In my case Taylor's negligence goes way beyond just being a bad member. Taylor's negligence is criminal. He has every reason to believe that Bishop Reed hates me and is persecuting me wrongfully and that surveillists would like to anally rape me and kill me, but he continues to play dumb. His office in the priesthood gives him discernment into the affairs of the elders in the Ward, including me. He is not just a bad member, but a criminally negligent person. Someday he will have needs of his own and his fellow members and citizens will totally forget about him as he has forgotten his duty, now as Elder's Quorum President, to me.

His counselors, Jacob Lythgoe and Eric Thornhill, and his secretary Dallon Echo Hawk (who was chosen to fulfill his calling because he is friendly with the Native American game-playing community) are also of the type that will play the part of a fool. They will ignore the discernment their priesthood office gives them about me, follow bad instructions, abandon me and even persecute me under the instructions of a corrupt priesthood leader. Someday they will be forgotten by their fellow priesthood holders and citizens just like Taylor.

There will also be a cost to all members who choose to hate me because they sense President Ross and Bishop Reed hate me.

Stormy Uhrich

Sometime in 2019 after it was obvious that surveillists wanted to frame me, Stormy was placed, per surveillist instructions, in the lobby where I would enter the meetinghouse. This was on a Sabbath. It was Stormy's task to take the place of someone who would bear witness that I wouldn't ask for help.

One of the easiest surveillist schemes for me to recognize is when they are setting someone up to be my only friend. This is so they can set them up to be the good cop in the good cop, bad cop game. I can remember it was so obvious that Stormy was there on behalf of surveillists. If Stormy had been the type of person to want to help me and really stick it out under surveillists persecution, he would have sought me out long prior to that. Furthermore, it would have been so easy for him to help, if he really wanted to. He could have just given me the names of the surveillists in charge and I could have started proceedings against them. But Stormy had already been counselled what to do if I asked for help. This interaction was merely to gauge if I was willing to ask for help. This was all Stormy had been asked to do and it was all he ever meant to do and no more. This can be no accurate gauge of my willingness to ask for help when the person I would be asking never intended to help in the first place.

But what Stormy has been doing is coaching the more knowledgable people in the same way President Ross has been coaching people from the beginning. Cooperate with the surveillists because President Ross is afraid of them. Or, what Stormy has been saying. Cooperate with the surveillists because we are afraid of them. To save himself Stormy has been saying that he offered to help me, when he never did. Stormy is so afraid that he wants other people to abandon me. He feels that the surveillists will be less of a danger to him if he abandons me, and he feels it is okay to lie about me, like President Ross and Bishop Reed. He feels that it is okay to lie to save himself and others. He feels it is okay to lie because his Church leaders have lied and he is just following suit. He feels it is okay to sacrifice one member for his safety and the safety of the rest of the group. He is willing to accept this as a revelation from President Ross and Bishop Reed even though he knows that I am innocent and haven't done anything wrong. There is little question in any member's mind that I do not masturbate and that this is a point of chagrin for the surveillists that wish to anally rape me. Most members will assume that any priesthood holder who does not masturbate is worthy of a temple recommend. Although there may be few that will dare to admit it.

Stormy and almost all the membership know that Bishop Ross plotted to kill me with surveillists in 2016 and that he even volunteered to do so at one time. Many of the members in the Central Ward feel that the now President Ross can protect them from surveillists. Many members to please President Ross will tell him that they would have done as he has done as a way of insuring their safety. Stormy has been especially diligent in convincing members not to tell what they know in television interviews. He is telling them that they should be afraid of surveillists because President Ross is afraid and that they would not be safe if they told what they know. This pleases President Ross and it is why he is happy with the recent reorganization of the Central Ward priesthood. President Ross is pleased that the entire Central Ward is covering for him, even in television interviews, and he is showing so as he sent out his email. Normally, since these are Ward appointments, not at the Stake level, it would be Bishop Reed's duty to make the announcement.

Stormy is one of the tourists that will depart from the faith spoke of in Elder Maxwell's talk Be of Good Cheer." For now he will stick with his appointment to the Bishopric because he is afraid of what surveillists will do if he doesn't. He only cares about his own skin.

The reason why surveillists have shut down the central Phoenix area is so that they can control all the people, especially if I should ask for help. If I asked for help, they would get everyone to abandon me.


I'm fasting to strengthen the Central Ward of the East Phoenix Stake like it's never been strengthened before and to strengthen the faith and discernment of each individual worthy member. I want them all to know that I love them and that I believe in them. Thanks for those of you that are fasting with me. I'm also fasting for us to be one in Christ. Thanks so much for you that are fasting and praying with me. I love you guys.

There have been many, many people, some of them acting as surveillist agents, that I have talked to about Jesus Christ and the Church. Some of them are currently working for the bad surveillists and are coerced not to use their rights of free speech so they can speak to them.

Some of these people who want to hear the gospel I have told they should go to the missionaries. But Bishop Reed has seen to it that the missionaries won't receive them well. There are many, many people that while working for the bad surveillists wanted to learn about the gospel, not from the local corrupted missionaries or minions of Bishop Reed, but from me. They would rather learn the gospel from a person who lives the gospel rather than from someone who abuses his priesthood office to ostracize and persecute his personal enemies.

The main reason Bishop Reed and President Ross hate me is that I am virtuous. The reason Bishop Reed and President Ross hate me as a personal enemy is because I can keep my self sexually clean and they cannot. These people who are being held hostage by the bad surveillists have a testimony that I am good missionary and that I can bear a sincere testimony of Jesus Christ and sexual purity.

Both Bishop Reed and President Ross don't trust anyone into their inner circle that won't take them up on an offer to perform oral sex upon them.

Both Bishop Reed and President Ross would like it if the government took over the Church so they could have it run the Church the way they want it. President Ross's inner circle will say that they would have done exactly as he would. They are the only people he will confess his sins to. President Ross likes those within his inner circle to tell him that he should have killed me when he had the chance. President Ross feels that that would have been the truly brave thing to do. He has trouble forgiving himself for not having the courage to do it while he had the chance. He is in fact a true moral coward and doesn't realize it. He doesn't know what real courage is. He hasn't the capacity for it or the comprehension. He prefers to hide behind shame shields and appointed priesthood holders and have others do his fighting for him.

Bobby Parker knows of people that have been killed during an anal rape long before the surveillist interference. He never confessed his knowledge to priesthood authority. That is why he is working on the side of anal rapists today. He fears anal rapists and what they can do. That is why he is bearing false witness that I threatened to kill people. He is doing this for a group of anal rapists and he is afraid of telling the truth as well as telling the crimes he knows about in the past.

Bobby knows the types of people these surveillists are. He knows their types and them intimately. He knows they are dangerous.

3:43pm Arizona time.

I've said that I don't care about monetary reparations, that I only care about saving our constitutional rights. But at some time the situation of all the people who are being held hostage by the surveillists has to be addressed. There are many, many people who are being kept from me because I would teach them the gospel that Bishop Reed and President Ross don't want to teach. Many, many people need to be liberated in addition to saving the Constitution.

4:47pm Arizona time.

You may remember that I mentioned in my personal inventory that I needed to develop new talents. I am no longer considering studying from the Ron Paul curriculum.

I also have these post-its all over my apartment with things that I and trying to remember and keep on my mind. Recently I realized that I haven't looked at any of them in months. These are really important things that I need to always have on my mind. So I need to work on that.

5:49pm Arizona time.

I've had a delightful Sabbath today. After just two weeks of steady quiet prayer and studying the scriptures a full hour a day I can say I've had a delightful Sabbath and a wonderful fast. Thank you so much for all of you that have been praying for me and those that have been fasting with me. God bless you all. I love you.

Please pray that I keep this up.


I got an >email recently from Greg May. Greg mentions the Book of Alma, chapter 5 from the Book of Mormon. Greg thought it would be appropriate to bring up chapter 5 from the Book of Alma.

This weeks study in the Book of Mormon is from the "Come, Follow Me, Book of Mormon 2020" manual for the week of June 8th through 14th including the Book of Alma chapters 8 through 12. I thought since it is included in this week's study I would talk about chapter 11 from the Book of Alma.

System of money in the Book of Mormon.

The system of money in the Book of Mormon is discussed in Alma 11:3-. The system of money was based on standard weights and measures as well as standard gold and silver pieces.

In Alma 11:5 the types of gold pieces are enumerated. There are gold senines, seons, shums and limnahs.

In Alma 11:6 the types of silver pieces are enumerated. There are senums, amnors, ezroms and ontis.

The relative value of gold and silver pieces to each other is explained in Alma 11:7. A senum of silver is equal to a senine of gold. So that currency could be fixed in term of farm produce and the industry of farming could be protected from inflation these metal pieces were each set equal to the value of a measure of barley and every other kind of grain. These measures for each type of grain were standardized. They didn't change. To incorporate such a system of money to protect our citizenry from inflation, I will work to incorporate such a system of money in the US if I am elected President. If you can protect farming, something that everyone ought to be able to do, you ought to be able to protect everyone from inflation, because anyone in dire financial straits will be able to fall back on farming.

I can remember reading in Edward Gibbon's "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" quotes from the Bible. There is one particular quote in the first volume that explains that a nation will thrive as long as farmers aren't taken advantage of financially. Hopefully some well-read person will come up with the quote. I have worked on it for an hour and I'm giving up for now.

But think about it. Suppose you own or rent a farm for 40 acres. One website says you can grow from 20 to 160 bushels of beans per acre depending on the type of beans. If it was soy beans it might be 50 bushels per acre. At roughly 250 calories per cup a 500 calorie meal three times a day would take six cups of soybeans a day. There are 128 cups in a bushel.

So for a small 40 acre farm

(40 acres) * (50 bushels of soybeans)/(1 acre) * (128 cups)/(1 bushel)

= 256,000 cups of soybeans for one years 40 acre crop.

Now how many people would that feed in a year?

(256,000 cups)/(1 day) * (1 person)/(6 cups) * (365 days)/(1 year)

= 117 people fed in 1 year.

40 acres is about the size of land that Pa Ingalls cultivated with a horse and plow in the popular children's book, "Little House on the Prairie." Don't you think you could figure out how to do the same thing, or raise some equivalent crop, if you had to? Even with a horse-drawn plow and the primitive tools of Pa Ingalls day you ought to be able to do it, if you really love your family.

Now beans have a lot of calories, but you can work this out for all different kinds of crops and it works out to one thing. One person who is willing to work hard can produce enough food that will enable many people to live. So if the value of life is the same as it was in Pa Ingalls' day, which of course it is, a life is a life and they are all precious, and you are paid a fair wage for your work, you ought to be able to get paid enough to pay for just one life, your own, or that of your family. In Pa Ingalls' day that was only for four people.

Another point worth considering if you've read Laura Wilder Ingalls' books is that Pa Ingalls built his family a decent house using three tools, a draw knife, an axe and another tool, in only a month. Today, it takes a lifetime to pay off a home loan. They were happy in that home. Wouldn't you be happy if it only took you a month to make your home and you had it all paid off? There are plenty of other simple technologies to build a home that is comfortable and happy. I lived in an adobe house in a place that wasn't zoned and I was really happy there. I helped build the house and I've seen how Mexicans build them with very few tools that don't cost much money.

With a little searching around you will see there are plenty of Mexicans around today that know how to make adobe houses and I have seen some of them that are fabulous. I worked on the home I built and they aren't that hard to build. If you are clever, you can build one small room to live in quickly. Then add onto it to however big you want it to be.

Another part of my platform should I be elected is that I will allow homesteading once again and deregulate the zoning that requires that people use expensive technologies to build their houses. This way our millenials, who the government has been mortgaging their future with excessive debt, and are young and strong and willing to work, will not be enslaved by ridiculous inflated real estate prices and they will be able to support themselves and their families. These people will be allowed to benefit from the work of their own labor and not be prevented from doing so by companies like Monsanto.

If you will watch the movie "The Future of Food," you will see how Monsanto has virtually taken over the food industry and shut down the small time farmer. This was done by paying a lot of fancy (and corrupt I might add) lawyers to argue that Monsanto had a right to all the GMO genes that cross-bred with neighboring farms that didn't use Monsanto seed. By their reasoning farmers did not have a right to save their own seed that they grew on their own property. This forced them to buy the Monsanto seed and gives Monsanto a monopoly on wheat, soy beans and rice seed. After many law suits were won by Monsanto a Federal policing agency was set up where good old President Obama appointed a bunch of people from Monsanto to police those who would save their own seed.

As part of my platform I will work to deregulate the farming industry. I will allow displaced farmers to sue Monsanto for allowing the pollen from their seed to blow onto other farmer's land and allow the farmers who lost their property to Monsanto to regain their property with interest for time lost. I will deregulate the policing agency (I forget what it is but it is on that movie, "The Future of Food".) and get the federal government out of farming and work to allow people to support themselves by farming.

There is plenty of government land for people to settle on. This land should belong to the people and not to the government. And the economy will be booming like it never has before. With more and more people living out of the cities the government will have less control over people. People don't know it but the federal government funds a lot of things in the big cities. If you don't do things like they want, they don't fund your city for a lot of things. That's how they control city governments. But in the countryside there are less city officials and city services so the government has less things to subsidize and less power over the people. There isn't any house zoning. That's how we were able to build an adobe house, because their was a less stringent building code.

If you wish to build an adobe home the best way is to get hired building one so you can see how it's done. If you will take the time to learn how to speak Spanish and are friendly to people from other countries, you can find Mexicans that will work for you for almost nothing. There are many technologies for building homes out of all kinds of things other than adobe. That's just one example. Generally, wherever you plan to live you can find some way of home construction where you can make it out of materials that are indigenous to your area.

Now that was a good aside about a good way to protect our economy from inflation and also make it easier to make a decent living, but let's get back to our discussion of Nephite money in the time after King Mosiah. For review:

The system of money in the Book of Mormon is discussed in Alma 11:3-. The system of money was based on standard weights and measures as well as standard gold and silver pieces.

In Alma 11:5 the types of gold pieces are enumerated. There are gold senines, seons, shums and limnahs.

In Alma 11:6 the types of silver pieces are enumerated. There are senums, amnors, ezroms and ontis.

The relative value of gold and silver pieces to each other is explained in Alma 11:7. A senum of silver is equal to a senine of gold. So that currency could be fixed in term of farm produce and the industry of farming could be protected from inflation these metal pieces were each set equal to the value of a measure of barley and every other kind of grain. These measures for each type of grain were standardized. They didn't change. To incorporate such a system of money to protect our citizenry from inflation, I will work to incorporate such a system of money in the US if I am elected President. If you can protect farming, something that everyone ought to be able to do, you ought to be able to protect everyone from inflation, because anyone in dire financial straits will be able to fall back on farming.

In Alma 11:7-10 the relative values of gold pieces are explained. A seon was twice the value of a senine. A shum was twice the value of a seon or four times the value of a senine. A limnah was the value of a senine, a seon and a shum. So you could carry one limnah in the place of the more bulky combination of a senine, a seon and a shum. A limnah was the value of 7 senines; or 1 senine and 3 seons; or 3 senines and 1 shum. In each case it was easier to carry a limnah than the more bulky combinations of senines, seons and shums.

In Alma 11:11-13 the relative values of silver pieces are explained. An amnor was as much as two senums. An ezrom was as much as 2 amnors or 4 senums. An onti was the same as a senum, an amnor, and an ezrom; or 7 senums. There's a lot of ways you can break it down.

Now these are their larger currencies. They had smaller currencies but I've already gotten as far as I need to to continue the discussion that I want.

In Alma 11:1 it explains that every man who was a judge of the lawwas paid for his time. He could be paid as much as a senum of silver for a day and that was the law.

In Alma 11:22 a corrupt lawyer, Zeezrom, offers Alma's missionary companion six ontis to deny the existence of a Supreme Being. This amounts to 6 times 7 senums which would be 42 days worth of pay for a judge or 42 measures of barley or the corresponding measures of other grains.

So the question arises, just how much is the measure of barley that they were talking about. Well, the whole point of money is that you don't have to carry a bunch of grain or eggs in your pocket. So we can assume that it is more than a pocket-full.

While I was touring Guatamala I saw a man carrying a burlap bag of coffee beans that he had grown himself to market. He was laboring pretty hard. You would not want to carry that amount of beans or grain very far. So we should assume that the measure we are talking about is not over 100 lbs. Only a farmer taking his wares to market would carry something that big.

Another clue as to the size of this measure. It would have to be something easily copied so that people could make a vessel easily to bear that volume of grain.

Yet another clue. If the judge had a big family, you would expect the amount he would be paid would be in excess of what his family could eat in a day. But you still wouldn't want it to be so big that you couldn't carry it. It was probably not a very big sack of grain. My point is that it was a humble salary and not the kind of salary that you would expect from a prestigious job. Even if it was a 100 lb sack of grain would that correlate to what you would expect to be a prestigious job? I don't think so.

There are other reasons why we should assume this was a humble position. The father of King Mosiah, who had set up this system of judges, was King Benjamin. He did not command his subjects to "think that [he] of himself [was] more than a mortal man" (Mosiah 2:10). He served his subjects "with all the might, mind and strength which the Lord granted unto [him]" (Mosiah 2:11). He "labored with [his] own hands ... that [his subjects] should not be laden with taxes" (Mosiah 2:14).

This was what the founding fathers wanted. They envisioned people who would be elected to office to be making a sacrifice. They expected them to pay for themselves and not to glut themselves off the taxes of their constituents like our present day officials. George Washington and the original elected officials to congress didn't take any pay from the government.

Recently I saw a video on YouTube made by John Stossell. In it there was a very short clip of a Washington D.C. real estate dealer. She was explaining how a real estate investment in Washington D.C was the safest investment that anyone could make. When she was asked why, she simply said, "because the federal government is doing nothing but getting bigger and bigger and bigger." And it shows no promise of anything else.

John Stossell compared the situation to that of Marseille before the French revolution. What was happening at that time was the upper, rich classes were only working in the government. The middle class, the people who work and pay taxes, were being financially destroyed by all the excessive taxation. The only people who had any money were in the government in Marseille.

If I were elected President, I would work to have all government elected officials paid about what any farmer working a 40 acre farm should be making. That would motivate them to work towards a responsible fiscal system that would ensure inflation didn't impoverish people who are willing to work and contribute something measurable to society. In the case of farmers that would be food enough to feed many people.

Supposing that a farmer in Alma's day could make 50 bushels of beans on a 40 acre farm that would be about 16 1/2 cups of beans. Someone like King Mosiah, King Benjamin's son, would probably figure that would be a sufficiently humble amount of money for a judge, any judge, to bring home to his family.

Alma was a humble man, like King Benjamin and King Mosiah and eschewed prestige. King Mosiah organized the system of judges under which Alma was chosen to be chief judge. Alma was eventually translated like Elijah (Alma 45:18-19). Since he took a position under the system of government organized by King Benjamin's son (Mosiah 29:11-13, 25, 28-29, 32) we should be able to assume that it was organized so that Alma received a humble salary. Since Alma was translated we can assume that he was even more righteous than King Benjamin. We can assume that Alma received a humble wage serving as chief judge. We can also assume that he served humbly as did King Benjamin eschewing prestige. Great leaders, especially in the Church, eschew prestige and accept callings out of a desire to serve their fellow man.

Alma did not give up a position of prestige to go an preach the gospel or do missionary work. Alma quit his position as chief judge to preach the gospel because he knew that "the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just."

Did Bishop Reed ever have a prestigious position as a legal professional? Well, if you believe what you read on his legal website, you might believe it. Supposedly he has worked with many millions of dollars in the accounts he deals with. But if Steven was really this great professional, he would buy himself a good pair of shoes. He always wears (but now probably will change) a cheap pair of shoes. They are brown (not even the right color) and scuffed so that they don't look good at all.

When I was brand new in the Church a friend gave me a pair of his old two hundred dollar shoes. When he handed them to me he was trying to tell me something. He said, "this is something you're going to need." He was trying to tell me that the really faithful members dress a certain way. They don't wear cheap shoes. These shoes even though they were old lasted me several years. For the price of 10 pairs of twenty dollar shoes you can buy these good quality shoes that will last longer and look better than the cheap kind of shoes Steven Reed is known to wear. Nobody who is a high-powered lawyer dresses as poorly as Steven Reed. Lawyers are supposed to look good too.

Steven is the kind of guy that will find a conflict and get to know everyone on all sides of the conflict. Then he will throw himself on the side of whoever he can charge the most money to. How do I know this? Because it's how he got started working for the surveillists. He originally proposed to offer to perform oral sex upon me for surveillists for a little money. When people see you are the kind of back-stabber Steven is, they don't want to pay you much money, because they have little respect for you.

When I asked Steven if he was employed by anyone that would work to have worthy people denied temple recommends, he looked a little unhappy. He should look unhappy. Working for or associating with any institution that would deny a worthy priesthood holder a temple recommend is an excommunicable offence.

Bishop Steven Reed originally accepted money from surveillists offering himself up as a male prostitute to perform oral sex upon me. I wrote some time ago that he looked disappointed when I confronted him if he was under the pay of any government agency that would work to withhold temple recommends from worthy members. I mentioned that he looked like he was going to have to give something up.

If you are going to work or at least act like you are some kind of spiritual leader, you have to be cheerful. Steven was unhappy that he was working so hard and not getting anything for it. To cheer him up so he could perform his job as a pretending faithful Bishop working for surveillists they put him on the payroll.

President Eyring wanted to appoint an acting Bishop in his place. But surveillists didn't want that because I would then be able to get a temple recommend. They did dislocate President Eyring's shoulder. There is no one else to minister to the Central Ward since President Eyring was not allowed to appoint another Bishop, so Bishop Reed is the acting Bishop for the present. Surveillists have no right to tell the Church who we can appoint or release from any Church office. It is guaranteed in our constitutional rights to assemble. It's in the First Amendment and is one of our most important rights.

Now Greg has also maintained that Alma was in charge of ordering a lot of people around, like Steven Reed is bossing people around all over the greater Phoenix area. Did you notice how in my last conversation with him on YouTube how uncomfortable Steven became when I mentioned that I had his picture up on my website? This is because wherever he goes in the greater Phoenix area, people are not happy to see him. They associated him with corrupt surveillists and expect to be bossed around.

As you can see from Alma 11:2 if anyone complained to the judge of a wrongdoing the judge could send officers to fetch the wrongdoer and put him to trial. Alma was the chief judge. It was his job to act as judge over all the difficult cases that the lower courts had difficulty deciding (Mosiah 29:25, 28) much in the same way we appeal cases to higher judges in our system of law. No one came to Alma complaining of a wrongdoing. It was the protocol to go to the lower courts first. Then if a case couldn't be decided it was taken to higher judges and eventually to Alma. In his calling as chief judge it was never Alma's duty to order anyone around. As a Bishop Steven Reed has absolutely no authority to order anyone around except on Church grounds. And about the only right he has to order anyone is to leave Church grounds if they don't comply with his wishes. He has no right to hold you a prisoner in your own home. In fact, if Steven Reed comes to your home and refuses to leave when you ask him, after you have warned him you have the right to shoot him. And that could solve a lot of problems in the central Phoenix area.

Now Greg has also written that Alma had to deal with complex situations.

The system of judges that King Mosiah set up (Mosiah 29:11) was much like the system of judges set up by Moses in the Bible (Exodus 18:19-23). And these judges judged people according to the law set up by the Bible.

One particular case that was brought up before Alma was the case of Nehor (Alma 1:1-15). This was about a man of a different faith or interpretation of the scriptures who had killed a member of the Church while arguing with him. Nehor spoke boldly in defense of himself. Alma understood that what Nehor was trying to do was to enforce his religion by force (Alma 1:12). This is near to having a state religion which is unconstitutional in our form of government. He understood that it would be the end of the Nephite people if it were allowed and he had Nehor put to death. This was not complex at all. In fact it was very simple.

Today Steven Reed along with surveillists are very near to enforcing a state religion. Anyone who doesn't think or believe that I am a bad person is in danger from Steven and surveillists. According to the Book of Mormon Steven Reed is a very bad person and like Nehor. He would force people to act like they believe in him. This is just like Satan rules his kingdom as well.

Members of the Church are taught that the Constitution of the United States was set up by godly men that he raised up to that purpose (D&C 101:80). There is no set of circumstances so "complex" that anyone should have his God-given rights violated.

Steven Reed is in fact not dealing with any "complex" situation either. He is working with corrupt government agents and Bishop Ross to anally rape and kill a fellow innocent member and he is working with those same corrupt government agents to keep the local membership, and others around the world, from telling what they know that corroborates the story that I publish on the internet. It is very simple.

Greg has also written about how Alma ministered to the one and preached the gospel. A more ridiculous analogy to Steven Reed could not be made. Would Greg call Steven's visiting members in their homes and convincing them not to tell what they know about him and surveillists, telling them to neglect their testimonies of the truth, would Greg call that "ministering to the one" or "preaching the gospel." Would Greg call joining the surveillists in terrorizing members in their homes "ministering to the one" or "preaching the gospel?" A more ludicrous analogy could not be made.

Greg and Steven and their underlings associate with surveillists who are holding people hostage that want to learn more about the gospel from me. Will Greg say that he is proud to work under the direction of a priesthood holder who is paid to keep his fellow members of the Church silent about their testimonies of the truth of what is going on in the Central Ward and the central Phoenix area? Will Greg and Steven and their underlings deny that there are members that desperately want to move out of the Central Ward, but surveillists won't let them? Will Greg and Steven and their underlings deny that there are members of the Central Ward that have tried to contact me that have been intercepted by surveillists? Will Greg and Steven deny that their associates are holding people against their will that would like to learn about the gospel from my hands? Will Greg and Steven and their underlings deny that holding people against their will that want to hear the gospel is against the teachings of the Church? Will Greg and Steven admit they are hoping to readmit members of the Church that have been excommunicated from the Church for things Greg and Steven put them up to? Will Greg and Steven and their underlings in the priesthood deny that they are teaching doctrine to Central Ward members that is entirely different from that of our higher Church leaders? Will Greg and Steven with their underlings deny that President Russell M. Nelson is the only person on the earth today that is granted revelation for the entire Church? Will Greg and Steven with their underlings like Jacob Lythgoe deny that they are hoping to take over control over the Church and its doctrine with the aid of surveillists?

Greg would like to think I wish I could be allowed on Church grounds again. He would like to feel I am lonely. I feel more of the Spirit in my home than anywhere else, especially anywhere corrupt priesthood holders would order their congregation around by the corrupt power of surveillists. I am safer here than any member of the Central Ward and I fear that many members of the Central Ward wish they could be as safe as I am. How can members feel the Spirit when they are not free to associate with those whom they would and cannot visit a fellow member and enjoy the safety of his home? I fear there are many members that do not wish to attend Central Ward meetings and that go because they are afraid of surveillist reprisals.

By the way, I was wrong about everyone in Bishop Reed's inner circle. I wrote that none of them would dare turn down an offer from someone to perform oral sex upon them. Greg has managed to evade people like Steven and has never had anyone perform oral sex upon him. Greg and Steven have sort of an unspoken agreement regarding that.

Greg believes that as long as he stays close to Steven and provides moral support, that he will be safe from the surveillists. Greg wife, who avoids Church meetings just like many of those in Steven's inner circle, is willing to have sexual intercourse with him as frequently as he wants as long as she does not have to go to meetings or take responsibility for the things he does. She believes that she will be able to salvage her Church membership after anything Greg does because she can say she wasn't responsible for what he did. She also doesn't want anyone in the Ward to be mad at her because of anything Greg does.

She has noticed the pattern that goes on in priesthood circles where priesthood holders will perform oral sex upon other priesthood holders when their wives are angry with them. She believes that the way to keep your husband faithful to you is to have sexual intercourse with him frequently and then it will be his job to protect her from the envy and hatred of corrupt priesthood holders who believe in molesting their fellows.

I would ask Greg's wife along with the other non-attending wives, "how long do you think you can associate with filth and not become filthy yourselves?" Greg and his wife could have started reporting their corrupt brethren years ago to the Area Presidency before any of the surveillist interference. For a time they would have been unpopular until things were cleaned up. Neither Greg nor his wife can stand the unpopularity that comes from being a teacher and liver of the gospel. They also hate being told to live the gospel. That's where it comes from.

But if they had started reporting their brethren the Ward would have gotten cleaned up. Greg would have likely been called Bishop instead of President Ross. Greg would not have volunteered to kill me like Bishop Ross did. He probably would have bided his time and eventually surveillists would have had to let him go. The surveillists would have had to give up and leave me alone and the Church membership in the Central Ward would have been a lot more worthy. Probably a lot of members would have been excommunicated. But Greg and his wife did not want to deal with being hated for teaching the gospel.

But today, many corrupt priesthood holders in the Central Ward hate me, but I am loved around the world and most people suspect I am a worthy priesthood holder and at least they know I obey the law of chastity and intend to be faithful to my wife. Now Greg and his wife have the fellowship of many corrupt priesthood holders who don't know how to keep their wives faithful to them except by performing oral sex upon anyone their wives may be attracted to. They could have worked to get these people out of the Church and now they are surrounded by them and in the situation of having to please them.

How did they get themselves into this situation they may ask themselves. They will probably point fingers at each other. You see, they have sort of an unwritten agreement. Greg does all the work of preaching the gospel and also bears the hatred of it. He is his wife's hatred of the gospel shield. Greg agrees to be the hate shield if his wife will obey him and have sexual intercourse with him even if she is angry.

Now Greg and the people in the Central Ward that are like him also have an unwritten agreement with the rest of the corrupt Ward members. Greg will act as an example of someone who has a uncorrupted sexual relationship with his wife. That is Greg will act as a model for everyone else of someone that has a healthy sexual relationship with his wife and can't be tempted with offers of oral sex from his fellows.

I wonder how long can Greg please these corrupt people by tolerating them and acting like they aren't doing anything wrong and be an example of a healthy uncorruptible person. How long can he twist the scriptures to make Bishop Reed appear to be a noble person, when Bishop Reed is probably the most vilified example of a corrupt priest in the known world?

The only hope of getting himself and his wife out of the mess they are in is by reporting their corrupt priesthood brethren. But it is too late for that. How long can Greg and his wife associate with anal rapists that can't control themselves without being hurt themselves. Ron and his associates were raped brutally right in front of the 209 W Jackson apartment complex. How long will Greg be able to come up with some way of twisting the scriptures that will appease the surveillists? What will they do to him when they become angry? Did you notice how David Boyce and Elijah Chambers were cowed in my video when I started talking about bearing testimony of Jesus Christ and how Joseph Smith bore testimony of Jesus Christ? After being around the surveillists for so long they are afraid to bear any testimony of Jesus Christ. It makes the surveillists lose control. Remember how anal rapists lost total control of themselves when a victim merely cried out, "Jesus Christ?" How they killed them just for saying "Jesus Christ" because it made them feel guilty? How long do you think it will be until something Greg says about Jesus Christ (to play the part of a believing counselor in the Bishopric) that will inflame a reaction out of the surveillists?

If you have a habit of saying, "Jesus Christ" when you are startled or angry or upset, you better train yourself out of it Greg. That is if you want to live long.

The only way that Greg and his wife have been faithful is that they have never had sexual intercourse outside of marriage. For many of the unfaithful members in the Central Ward this is the only kind of faithfulness they long for. How long will they be able to be faithful to each other in marriage without being faithful in any other way? How long will they be able to be faithful to each other in marriage while supporting those that aren't and while persecuting those that work hard to be faithful in marriage?

I'll be faithful to you in marriage as long as you make a good show of teaching the gospel but just don't expect me to live by any of it. I'll make a good show of teaching the gospel as long as you are faithful in me to marriage and don't expect me to live by any of the gospel. This is their unwritten agreement.

I predict as things go along it will not be long until Greg and his wife play the blame game. "Oh if you had only been more faithful." There are lots of members that want to marry someone who is faithful and then do nothing but coast along on the testimony of their more faithful companion. Greg and his wife are a testament to the fact that this cannot work.

Greg is another member who plays the fool and twists doctrine around to make evil look good and good look evil. He is like surveillists hoping that I will be lonely and out of loneliness play the fool like he has. Many times Steven Reed has quoted Alma 5 in the hope that it would lead me to self doubt. Steven has sort of given up so Greg writes on his behalf parroting the same doctrine Steven has. You see, Steven has noticed something about me that he would like me to believe is a fault.

It can be a virtue to take pride in doing a good job. As long as you know you are doing what is right, you can enjoy what you are doing because you know you are doing a good job. Greg and Steven would like me to believe that I am not born of God or that I have not experienced a mighty change of heart because of the gospel, because I am proud.

Indeed, I am proud and I have good reason to be proud. I made the right choice. I stand with God. And Greg has chosen the wrong side. He has every reason to be ashamed and I have every reason to be proud. I will always be proud to stand against corrupt priests and corrupt government officials. I will always be proud to keep the law of chastity and not allow myself to be molested by the likes of surveillists and their associates like Greg May. I will be proud to expose the deeds of corrupt government officials and priesthood holders that will combine with them to anally rape or murder innocent people and to cover their crimes. I will always be proud to expose them and to see them punished at law by execution and I will be proud to see them die. I will always be proud to stand on the side of God and there is nothing that those who would betray their faith and country will ever be able to do about it.


D&C 121:6 "My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes. Thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands."

I love you guys.


No one will answer my request for a priesthood blessing. Not too many days ago I felt that someone was giving me a blessing from a distance and that it was almost as good as a regular priesthood blessing and that I was worthy of it under the circumstances.


By the way, if you don't think the central Phoenix area is shut down, all the houses in the area of the meetinghouse were empty on February 16th, 2020, when I almost made the error of entering the meetinghouse. All those houses were empty just like most of the apartments in the 209 W Jackson apartment building are empty. They have protocols to kick people out of their houses whenever they feel like it.

It could be coming to a city near you.

Elijah Chambers got permission from surveillists to beat his wife because she was laying games with him, like having sexual intercourse with violent men to frighten him into being nice to her. I believe I may have already written about how I feel about corporal punishment. I am for putting people in jail and not corporal punishment. Or for violent husbands to be separated from their wives for a time. But Latter-day Saints have been beating husbands who beat their wives for so long in the Central Ward that the situation gets out of control for people like Elijah. Mel Johnson and many others know what it is like to get a traumatic beating for beating one's wife. Sister Chambers was surprised when there was no retribution for her husband beating her. She knows this tactic has been working well for sister Johnson and sister Yeates for years. Women that are unfaithful to their husbands should have their membership restricted and if it is necessary, people should be told that it is because they have been unfaithful to their husbands and men should in particular be wary of them and stay away from them.

Sunday, 06-13-20

I started fasting at 6:09pm. I am still figuring out what I am fasting for. When I know better I will post it here. It is so good to be fasting and praying with all you people. I love you.

12:07pm, Arizona time.

As I am fasting today (Sunday, 14 June 2020) I am going over what I learned from this week's scripture study from my journal. As I've been doing this I've been making my home more of a center of gospel learning and I expect my Sabbath days to be more of a joy and delight.

As I am pondering what to fast about I am reminded of the strongest feelings I had as I prayed and quietly tried to "Hear Him" (God) through the Holy Spirit this week.

The scriptures that stand out to me this week really underscore what I heard.

I got a lot out of pondering Alma's experience with Amulek when Alma decided that he would go out and preach the gospel alone. He made an awesome friend in Amulek. Amulek had been a backslider in his life previously, but he quickly reformed and became an awesome friend and missionary companion that stood firmly beside Alma in all his trials, even facing death valiantly for the sake of their testimony of Jesus Christ. He had many friends and family and many of them deserted him as he chose to stand with Alma. He also lost much riches because of his choices. And he bore much humiliation as he stood with Alma for the Lord. And he also bore some really harsh interrogation techniques with Alma. With Alma he was physically abused by authorities, threatened with death and was held against his will. Also with Alma he was falsely accused and mocked by crowds who professed to be believers and should have welcomed them like brethren (Acts 5:41). They said Amulek and Alma had been disrespectful of authorities when they had only pointed out their wickedness. Amulek was as brave as Alma and loved the gospel as much as Alma. Alma had never had a friend like this among all his other contemporaries.

I've pondered how President Eyring once said that sometimes in your prayers you can have a knowledge that others that love you are praying for you at that very moment. I've had a witness of this.

I went over this quote from Joseph Smith just before he was martyred:

“I am going like a lamb to the slaughter,” he said, “but I am calm as a summer’s morning; I have a conscience void of offense towards God, and towards all men.” D&C 135:4.

I especially felt drawn to the statement, "I have a conscience void of offense towards God, and towards all men."

It can bother me that people are spreading lies about me. As long as I know I'm doing no wrong, I don't need to let it bother me.

I was inspired by Elder Neil L. Anderson's April 2020 General Conference talk, "Spiritually Defining Memories".

Here is a quote from it, "I promise you that as you willingly acknowledge and carefully treasure the spiritually defining events in your life, more and more will come to you."

God wants me to know He loves me as I pray and throughout my day.

I've had some spiritually defining moments as I prayed this week that have caused me to look back and gain insights into previous spiritually defining moments.

One thing that I keep hearing as I try to slow down and "Hear Him" is that He wants me to know that he loves me. The name for the pre-mortal Christ is "Jehovah", "the self-existent one" or "I am".

I was a troublesome youth (my mother will deny this) and I was not close to my mother while I was young. When I was in my thirties I lived with my mother and step-father for a time because I wanted to learn how to be nice to my mother.

At that time I was studying about God and Christianity and trying to learn about spiritual things. My mother had rejected Christianity, probably due to my father's efforts (which he repented of later). My father was anti-Christian. But if a person professed Christianity he would often use it as an opportunity to manipulate them, saying something like, "well, if you are a Christian why don't you do thus-and-such." Living with this kind of treatment extorted a lot of Christianity out of my mother in my opinion.

One day my mother was trying to explain to me about something called divine investiture. She was telling me that you can be God. It was a time when I felt very close to my mother.

When I am on my knees and I know God loves me, I feel I can complete the sentence of "Jehovah", "I am ... Love." God is an embodiment of love. I want to be an embodiment of His Love. It is when we pray for charity with all our hearts that we can become an embodiment of His Love and fulfill some measure of divine investiture.

This week as I have been on my knees listening for God trying just to know that He is God, I know before anything I would listen for is that He wants me to know that he loves me. He is because He is Love.

I (we) love Him because He loved me (us) first (1 John 4:19). I am, because He loves me. First before anything when I get down on my knees (and after I get up off my knees and throughout the rest of the day) He wants me to know He loves me. When I know this I want to be a better person and feel capable to fulfill the commandment, "Love as I have loved you" (John 15:12).

God chose me. It wasn't me that chose Him. God sent his servants, like Jesus Christ, to rescue me.

I was first introduced to the Book of Mormon by an ex-member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I promised I would pray about it. But I was afraid and never did. I read a few chapters from the beginning of it because a friend of mine told me it would help me feel God's love. But I didn't feel anything. I didn't have the determination to go through with my promises.

When I grew older and moved away from them, I began to miss the sense of belonging and community that came from coming from a large family. I became more and more lonely and unhappy. For many years I believed I could begin a family by motivating people to consume their passions upon their lusts and I believed I could do the same. I was lustful essentially and I tried to motivate others by their lusts. I had less and less worthwhile relationships and became lonelier and lonelier even to the point of becoming mentally ill and suicidal.

I loved my family, but I wanted the times we would spend together to be happy times so that when they would think of me they would remember the happy times and know that I loved them. As I became more and more depressed the idea of calling a family member or old friend became dreadful to me because I had no faith I could pretend to be happy. Sometimes I would call a family member. As a result of my sadness I often feared the effect it had upon them was more disturbing than any affirmation of love. It particularly bothered me to affect my nieces and nephews in this way. I sometimes would go for years without contacting a family member.

I had studied the Bible and did find that working at being a good Christian could be uplifting to me. Occasionally I would run into a Christian and I would enjoy the fellowship that comes from believing in a loving God. But these times could be very far and few between. I would often visit Churches and enjoy fellowship. But often I would find some biblical principle that leaders there weren't living as I thought they should. I would also understand that they had people that were adulterers or serious sinners. I had a strong impression that if I became dependent to the fellowship in those churches that I would be tempted into some kind of sin. My mother and father were not perfect but they had always been faithful to each other in marriage. I wanted that kind of relationship in my family so I avoided attending any churches that I visited.

After more than a decade of denying myself what I felt was unworthy fellowship I met a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on a job I was working. At that time I gloried in the fact that I knew my bible well enough to point out the faults in many people and churches and that I could do without fellowship. I had resolved that I was just too good for any church and I would have to live that way until I died (even though I was dreadfully lonely).

I started talking about God to the man I met and I explained how I had found so many churches lacking. Still at the same time I felt I was as obedient as I could be to how I understood the bible. I expected protection from God for living as I thought I should and I had been successful at not having sexual intercourse outside of marriage. I also sometimes had moments of peace that would come as a result of prayer and trying to live the gospel. But I was proud of how virtuous I thought I was to be so determined to live the gospel as to deny myself fellowship.

Then this man started talking about his Church and Joseph Smith. As I went over things I had found wrong with other churches he would explain that his Church didn't have those problems. I had no intention of joining a church at that time and I continued to tell him what I had found wrong in other churches and he continued to explain that his Church didn't have any of those problems.

I was filled with a spirit of (entirely unjustified) self-righteousness and when I couldn't find anything wrong with his Church, I began to speak ill of this man. I was very hateful although I wasn't making any sense. Finally, he realized he was making no headway with me and changed the subject to something else.

That night when I knelt down to pray, I couldn't pray. I realized that I had been hateful to that man and I had been entirely closed off to any idea that his Church was a good Church. I had been closed off to his sincere goodness and the possibility that his Church was a godly Church. And I had treated that good man hatefully.

I knew that I had messed up my relationship with God by being closed off to Him and this sincere, good man. I was willing to deny myself unworthy fellowship, but was I willing to accept the fellowship of true followers of Jesus Christ that were perhaps much better than myself?

I didn't know what to do, but I knew I was a generally unhappy person and the only peace I rarely felt was due to my relationship with God and being true to it. I hoped for some miracle to come like words to come to my mouth that would set me straight with God and this good man again.

I felt very anxious and felt like something was going to come into my mind and tell me what to pray. I concentrated really hard on trying to be sincere about whatever would come into my mouth. The words came and I prayed and promised to find out more about that man's Church and to study its doctrine and if God let me know it was true I would determinedly live its doctrine. I went over what I had just said and how I felt when I said it. I meant it. I felt good with God again.

I then proceeded to forget all about my promise and go on with my life again. I never talked again with this man about his Church. I never investigated his Church. I completely forgot about my promise and had no misgivings, I just completely forgot about it. I was always struggling with anxiety and had a way of forgetting things that made me anxious.

I lost my job and was extra-specially lonely for three months of unemployment because I didn't even have the companionship of fellow workers.

I remember when the missionaries showed up at my door I had a distinct impression that I wasn't going to be lonely anymore or worship God on my own. God had totally set me up to accept these people as my friends whether they were better than me or not. Those missionaries came right into my house and started telling me things and I was ready to accept their authority and what they said.

After I was baptized three people took me aside on separate occasions and very firmly told me that I had not chosen God, but God had chosen me. One of them was a Seventy. I had to ponder that for a while before I understood what they were saying.

The experience of being brought into the Church was a lesson for me that God knows how lonely and sad and helpless and proud I was and He came to rescue me, just as He died on the cross to rescue me. Although I had great faith and a determination to obey and a willingness to deny myself unworthy fellowship and all kinds of things it wasn't any of those things that that rescued me, those things were all ineffective, it was His love that rescued me.

The Church is supposed to seek out the weary and needy and help them. God chose me and sought me out with the missionaries, His servants. God came to get me with his missionaries. It's the Church's duty to seek out the lonely and the sad and the sick.

Every day I ponder what is going on in the world and what is wrong. What people are saying about me that is wrong. What is wrong with the world that needs to be fixed. What should I do. And what should I write about. How to set things straight. At around 6pm I have to stop working or I get over-anxious and I can't calm down. There is always something more that needs to be done and I wonder how long the world can go on without setting everything straight.

If I have done well that day and remembered my prayers, I will get down on my knees again and hear the Lord tell me that all the things I am doing aren't going to accomplish anything. God is Love and Truth. It is God's genuine true love that is going to set things straight and it has little to do with anything I do. When I can hear Him tell me that, then I feel safe and like everything is going to be alright.

Avoiding some of Satan's powers.

Joseph Smith, who I am thankful for, said it this way,

"The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done" (History of the Church, 4:540).

Praise God for His Love and Truth.

When Joseph Smith received the First Vision as a result of his first prayer, he was attacked by Satan who "[bound his] tongue so that [he] could not speak."

People are often frightened by this, but I think I can explain. Joseph became aware of Satan's presence and he was afraid. He thought that his fervent prayers were going to save him just as I often think it is my faith and determination and self-denial that are going to save me. Heavenly Father allowed Satan to bind Joseph's tongue just long enough for Joseph to realize that God could save him without anything more to come from his mouth. This also put Joseph in a state of preparation to listen instead of speaking. And he heard the greatest words ever spoken to man in this mortal realm. He heard and recognized the voice of Heavenly Father telling him to "Hear Him", the words of his well-beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Joseph heard and felt God's genuine true love.

As Joseph did then and as we all can now, when I get on my knees to be quiet and "Hear Him", I know He wants me to forget about all I can do and to know that He loves me.

Here is the testimony of our prophet, Russell M. Nelson, and other special witnesses of the Lord of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints called "The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Bicentennial Proclamation to the World":

It's awesome fasting and praying with all you guys. I love you.

And I leave that with you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, 06-16-20

I need to reexamine some things. For instance, there was an ex-serviceman that I thought fought valiantly against anal rapists and homosexual molesters. But he believed in giving them a traumatic beating. I believe in reporting them to authorities and having them punished by proper legal procedures.

Also I was too up in arms about the anal rape conditioner in Valleywise. He himself grew to have an appetite for anal sexual intercourse because people forced themselves upon him. He deserves more compassion than I originally was willing to give him. I am so grateful I got out of that awful place with only being molested while I slept. It could have been so much worse. I could even have been killed in there. The anal rape conditioner had known of people who have died during an anal rape. He had known the kind of anal rapists that were working among surveillists. He knew they were the type that could get out of control and kill. To avoid such a death and being part of it in the hospital, he was one of the people who wanted for me to be allowed to be sent back to jail where I would be safe. Many of the staff at the hospital felt I was innocent and also that there was a good chance that I would die before allowing an anal rapist to penetrate me. They hoped to at least placate the surveillist's wrath (against me as well as themselves, they felt in danger as I was. If not physical danger then danger to their reputations and livelihoods.) by prescribing me a debilitating medication. Like at the Metropolitan State Hospital there were patients there that wanted to make some amends before I was sent back to jail. They understood that when you participate in an extortion scheme to entrap someone in a crime (and that person never had the inclination to commit such a crime and was innocent) that that person will at a later time be in a position to testify against you. The sympathy that some of these inmates had for only angered the surveillists. For the most part I do not bear any of these people any ill-will and know that they were held captive by surveillists as they may well be now and that part of the reason for their sickness is that surveillists use them in their extortion schemes to entrap enemies of surveillists. Many of them are addicted to extortion and don't know any better.

Lately I keep getting mail that is addressed to my apartment but is for Cornell Davis. I suspect surveillists are hoping I will open it and be liable for mail fraud. I suspect that there may be those of you who want to help by levelling mail fraud charges against surveillists. I am returning it "return to sender." Corrupt authorities are probably saying they need a complaint with me to go forward with it, when they are in support of keeping people from confronting me in person to let me know that my mail is being kept from its destination. That does not seem to be the best route to combat surveillists at this point, although you may want to keep the heat on. There is a much better way, I think, but I can't implement it just yet. Hang in there, good friends and buddies!

Wednesday, 06-17-20

The last time I went to the food bank there was a serviceman that was spirited away after he witnessed me think some thoughts that surveillists didn't want the public to hear. This was a test case to see if they can essentially kidnap and spirit away servicemen who are unknowing witnesses for good or for evil and get away with it. He was Arizona national guard and maybe 5'10" or six feet tall and white probably around 20. All those young men are around the same age.

Thursday, 06-18-20

Purchased a handgun today. Also purchased concealed carry insurance. Here are a few concealed carry insurance options. Am signing up for a concealed carry permit class in Arizona. Here are some good reasons why one might want one. Tim Schmidt's testimony of carrying a gun and the responsibility of protecting your family and the ones you love.

Karen Rodriguez is telling many staff and others that she will take responsibility for it if they will take responsibility for saying something about me. These staff (and others if possible) need to have it communicated to them that they will die of shame for anything they do. Karen was lured by surveillists to distribute to me (the first time, later there was a second) long ago a notice that said I couldn't put signs on my door. She was the one that died of shame for it, not the surveillists that told her they would take responsibility. Karen knows that this is wrong, but she did it anyway.

Saturday, 06-20-20

At 6pm I will start fasting for local elected officials to run for office to strengthen their local police departments and take care of other systemic problems. I will also be prayerfully studying this good article by President Russell M. Nelson, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Derrick Johnson, NAACP President and CEO, Leon Russell, NAACP Chairman of the Board The Reverend Amos C. Brown, Chairman Emeritus of Religious Affairs, NAACP. And praying for ways to recognize and root out systemic racism.

I love you guys.

Sunday, 06-21-20

Sometimes we fast just to give thanks for something good. Today I am fasting (and I know many of you are fasting with me and I consider myself in very good company) jointly for the above and for our religious freedom.

Praise God, Hallelujah! I love you guys, all of you. I "Hear Him" through all of you good people and your testimonies everywhere. I love how Elder Stevenson's testimony is tied into his Dad. I love my Dad too (and my step-dad who doesn't like overly-gushy expressions of affection)! We lived in a wooded area where I grew up and my Father liked to take me for long walks. My step-dad taught me how to car-camp and we had a lot of good times car-camping.

I am learning that [nothing] can separate me "from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:38-39) and that for all of you that are in Christ Jesus (John 17) nothing can separate me from your love, nor you from mine.

"I, am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God [that is in us all and that we bear to each other], which is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:38-39).

Once again, Praise God, Hallelujah! I love you guys, all of you.

And I leave that with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Tuesday, 06-23-20

Went to the food bank today. Some servicemen served us I know not the reasoning behind it. I made an extra special effort not to think of any good thoughts so they would feel they have to isolate the particular servicemen. I did not show them any extra kindness either. Now they are keeping servicemen in a media bubble. Hope they don't start doing it to you.

Wednesday, 06-24-20

I ordered a home security system today. I have not yet received the gun I ordered. I am carrying mace now. On two occasions when I thought of the work "mace" (I was not meaning to be threatening) two people that work here in the building became frightened. This is because they know very well that the people they work with would like to do me physical harm.

I am signed up to take a concealed carry permit class.

Karen Rodriguez has been telling her coworkers that I have it in for her. It is important that they do not convince her that I am a bad person because I will need them at a later time. In the future I expect to need to be in the good graces of Billi Hocking in particular.

I have a copy of last year's lease. It does not include a copy of everything that Karen had me sign a year ago. At that time surveillists were not as intrusive as they are now. But they were bossing people around at my apartment building and making life uncomfortable for them. They had Karen have me sign a piece of paper that was to inform me that I was not allowed to have a gun on the property. I have since learned that the property's management has no authority to have me sign such an agreement. Karen knew that this was illegal. She also had the sense to know that the only reason surveillists would want me to think I was not allowed to have a firearm was so that I would be defenseless against them. Karen also had the sense to know that they would not want me to be defenseless if they did not hope to harm me. Karen through her neglect had it in for me, I did not have it in for Karen. Karen thought that if I was killed then there would be no more reason for surveillists to interfere in the apartment building and it did not bother her to put me in danger of being killed or taking responsibility for giving me paperwork that gave me the impression I was not allowed to be armed. It is Karen's conscience that makes her feel I have it in for her, because she exposed me to be in danger with no regard for my life and safety.

I am recommending to all people to be armed and have a concealed carry permit as well as to have a home security system.

Saturday, 06-27-20

A young girl's hopes of true chaste love.

Two days ago from today (06-11-20) I got onto the elevator with a young native American girl. After she heard a representation of a few of my thoughts from th receiver planted in her ear she had a look of profound disappointment on her face. I had assumed, incorrectly, that she was there to make me feel judged for my recent posts on this webpage. I am writing about the posts I wrote about some of the failings of native Americans and those who descend from stone-age cultures. I also assumed that surveillists had put her there to humiliate me into having sexual intercourse with her after I had become ashamed of making observations about the failings of people from stone-age cultures.

It was after I thought, "I don't care if this woman is native American or not, I am not having sexual intercourse with her no matter what."

What happened when I stepped into this elevator with this young woman was entirely different from what this young girl hoped for. She, like many other native American women, had read about what I had said about Amanda. Amanda is another native American woman who was put in a room here in my apartment building to seduce me. This was at a time when people were put in my path to bear some kind of false witness against me and I would protect myself by giving a short testimony of Jesus Christ and asking if they knew of anyone bearing the certain kind of false testimony about me that they were about to bear.

Amanda had established a pattern in her life of going to Church leaders or other Christians that would preach of true chaste love, seducing them, and abandoning them. Amanda has also been in the employ of blackmailers and surveillists to bring down Church leaders from different Churches that were enemies of surveillists. Amanda had been used by men in different Church and of different faiths. Her first sexual experience had been with a Christian believer who used her and abandoned her as well as broke her heart. She had become sort of jaded like Micah. And she thought it was a lot of fun to be on the using and abandoning side of the game rather than the person who gets used.

I met Amanda in the hallway near my apartment and she was with a guy named Andre. Andre was there so that I would not be concerned about becoming emotionally close to Amanda. Amanda was in a sexual relationship with Andre. But Amanda really enjoys playing men against each other. It was the plan, and Amanda has done this many times before, after I had started seeing Amanda to preach the gospel that Andre would be out of the picture and Amanda would then lament to me that she wanted a new boyfriend if I did not decide to pursue her of my own initiative.

But you don't have to be all that emotionally bonded to someone to teach them the gospel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I got Amanda and Andre to pray about the Book of Mormon and to commit to read it and speak to the missionaries. But when the time came for it they wouldn't do either of these things. Then on another phone call Amanda announced that she wasn't seeing Andre any more. Amanda assumed that I would affectionately try to get her to read the Book of Mormon myself. But the Church doesn't really teach you to lead people on with affection. They teach you to get people to make commitments and follow up on them.

I was willing to teach Amanda in her apartment, but not without the presence of the missionaries. I set up appointments with Amanda with the missionaries. But with Amanda's knowledge surveillists contacted the missionaries and with Bishop Reed's assistance discouraged the missionaries from keeping their appointments. Surveillists were telling Amanda that I was lonely and that I was a fool and that I would try to teach her alone in her apartment. But I never did. The missionaries were also playing games with me at Church and not keeping the appointments they made to visit me in my home. I knew very well that surveillists were plotting to have Amanda seduce me and that the missionaries were taking orders from the surveillists at the behest of Bishop Reed (the Central Ward's greatest traitor to honest missionary work). I called Amanda again and she still was not reading the Book of Mormon. I called her one last time and told her I didn't feel I should try to teach her and that if she wanted to learn more about the Church, she could contact the missionaries. This was not at all what Amanda had expected. Surveillists told her I was a lonely fool and that it would be easy to seduce me.

Amanda had rejected her sexual partner and now was feeling lonely. He did not want her anymore (he was tired of being used) and surveillists wanted to keep her lonely so that she would try harder to seduce me. But this was not what Amanda wanted. Amanda took responsibility a few times for saying that she thought I would be easy to seduce when Nicky changed her mind. I saw her a few times and I ignored her. I was kind of sick and tired of all the game playing. I don't like it when someone prays with me and they never really meant it in the first place but were really trying to seduce me. For the next few times Amanda saw me she could tell that there was no love lost between us. Surveillists had led her to believe that I was pining away for her. I didn't need Amanda and I didn't want to waste any more time talking to her.

This was not the pattern Amanda was used to. She was used to rejecting and accepting men who were lonely and accepting and rejecting their sexual advances as she pleased. After some time there was the Micah incident. At that time Amanda realized that I really wasn't addicted to sexual intercourse with strangers and that no matter how much surveillists tried to isolate me I could do without having sexual intercourse with women that pretend to love Jesus (or any other woman I am not sealed to in a temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) I could do without sexual intercourse. Amanda realized with many other women that I have the potential to form a relationship of true chaste love with my companion.

Now I've talked about Amanda being held hostage by the surveillists. Why would the surveillists hold Amanda or any of the other women I bore witness to? Because Amanda was expecting not to have a steady sexual partner, but at least to be in and out of relationships with partners. When surveillists shut her out from partners, she became the lonely one. She began to see that she had been cheating others out of true chaste love. And the bitter irony of it is that she was cheating herself out of true chaste love. She understood that the reason why she was in the predicament she was in was because she was trying to cheat a person who was capable of true chaste love out of it. She understood that if she had only loved me enough to believe in what I was trying to tell her what to do, she might have been on her way to true chaste love with perhaps someone else. And if I was able to speak with her today, this is still what I would tell her or any woman. At least I would be comfortable talking about it with her in the presence of some faithful missionaries, not the unfaithful ones that can be bossed around by Bishop Reed.

But I think this young woman in the elevator saw my relationship to Amanda differently. She likes to romanticize it and think that Amanda and I would become romantically involved with all my talk of "true chaste love." She knows little about me, but she has read about what I say about true chaste love and imagined me to be someone who is inspired and knows just what any young woman needs to hear to learn of it. She imagined that when I walked into the elevator if she would just be open to the idea of true chaste love that I would immediately perceive her interest and lecture on the subject inspiringly. Then seeing how prepared she was to give herself to me I would spirit her away (after surveillists had transmitted to her in the receiver in her ear that it was safe) and have sexual intercourse with her in my apartment. This would lead to our eternally committed relationship when I would realize that native American women are the best sexual partners, which was really what the surveillists and she had set out to prove to me from the start. And of course I would be grateful to her and the surveillists for "helping me."

But what actually happened when I got on the elevator was that I didn't perceive anything out of the ordinary about this young woman and I appeared to be just another guy getting on the elevator on the way to going shopping. When she heard my thoughts, that I thought she was another low-life surveillist plant, that cinched the deal, she was now going to take responsibility for the rumor that I was a racist, native American hater. And of course this was just what the surveillist wanted and it was she had agreed to do from the outset when she first spoke to surveillists.

Now I want to return to the subject of this young woman, but I want to digress and talk about two subjects first. I want to write about my impression of her as a low-life and see where that came from. And then I want to write about how she came to get this appointment as a witness from the surveillists. Then I'll get back to ask you what you think of her.

Not too long ago some young man has been on the television saying that the people in my apartment building are not low-lifes at all. Actually the terms I have used is that they are ex-convicts and blackmailers. This young man was not paid anything to say this. He just happened to know someone who worked in surveillance and he noticed he was not a bad guy or the kind of person you would expect an anal rapist or blackmailer to be. After he talked with the nice man for a while he offered to take him to the apartment building and meet the people and even to see me passing through to get my mail and he could judge if they were good people or anal rapists or not and tell the press whatever he wanted.

Now at this point I see I want to add another thing to the two things in an aside. I've noticed that there has been a sort of change of hands in the people who are in charge of my apartment building and the outside part of the world that I go into in the central Phoenix area when I need to shop and do other things.

Lately there has been a change in tactics of the surveillists. Normally they always try to do things to annoy me. But the last time I went outside (that was the same day as this young woman was on the elevator) things were different. They didn't do the annoying things they do with the same finesse as usual. It's almost as if there had been a changing of the people in charge. Not only that but the new people don't have access to the surveillance recordings from the old people. If they did they would remember all the ways they would try to annoy me that were often successful. I won't say what they are, I'm going to try to enjoy the change for as long as I can. But it's almost as if someone very high up flipped and took all his people with him as well as his recordings and the new people have to start from scratch.

There's another thing. They are having trouble getting new people to work in the surveillance equipment rooms. When they pass me on the street or view what goes on in my head in a surveillance room, they feel self-conscious like I can read their minds. This only makes sense that their conscience would make them feel this way. I suspect that often the random thoughts that are going on in my head make them self-conscious without any effort on my part. At the same time I can see many things coming in the future that have to happen. And when they find out about these things and how it is going to affect them for persecuting me, it frightens them. Not that this gives me any pleasure. What would give me pleasure is for them to repent and get on the side of right. All they have to do is make a choice to change and respect my rights of conscience and they won't feel so guilty. Most of the things that ought to happen I will get to in the not too distant future so don't worry about the suspense. Nothing really shocking except maybe to bad people.

People are afraid to come into my building because they feel so self-conscious. But they keep a steady stream of people coming through when I go to get my mail or people that are wired to hear my thoughts when they walk through the hallways outside my room. They keep lots of people coming through so that there will be some people just by chance that don't feel self-conscious. Those people they will try to be witnesses to other people that are afraid to come into the building and be near me.

Then using those people they get other people to act as tenants for a temporary time, long enough for an outsider to come in and witness the tenants don't look like ex-convicts or blackmailers. Then they keep running people through in this way until they can get some people to get another witness (who isn't getting a lot of money like many of these other people) to see me pick up my mail or empty my trash or exit my room. Then they can have them on TV for the surveillist public relations. He or she can say that the people don't look like blackmailers at all and the surveillists are nice people, not the kind of people you'd expect to be anal rapists or murderers at all.

In my opinion this young man witness is a fool. Now it warns against calling a person a fool in Matthew 5:22. But if you look closely it warns against calling a person a fool directly. I am telling you he is a fool, not calling him a fool to his face.

Most people know that it is in the character of anal rapists to lose control over themselves. Many people know that practically all people who have vouched for my character have been pressured by surveillists to reverse their testimony. So much so that many people feel they are being brave if they will dare to say they are praying for me. But have these people decided what is going to happen if it turns out that surveillists are embarrassed again for being anal rapists?

People like Gyptian are being anally raped often and repetitively. Ricky, the obedient receptionist worker, and Gyptian have been raped. Karen Rodriguez has taken to stress eating and has gained at least thirty pounds. The long-term tenants who are ex-convicts and blackmailers have witnessed a horrible anal rape in front of the building.

I am asking that you pray for these people. I am asking that these people be allowed to leave the area and quit their jobs. In the future it well could be announced, "coming to a town near you." I am praying that all good citizens in our country will contact your congressmen and tell them that you think the original workers in the 209 W Jackson apartment building be allowed to quit their jobs.

I am also praying that all good citizens will contact their elected officials and have laws passed that keep surveillists from interfering with people's livelihoods. That is interfering with people's jobs and incomes.

There is a woman I am making a special request for. This is an obese woman who has seen untold abuse. I don't know what she has been through but I suspect it has been so traumatic that she may never be able to talk about it. I don't know what she's been through, but she reacted to it by stress eating like Karen. And now she is as big as a house. When I first saw her I had the impression that she liked being obese because no one wants to touch her. No one will anally rape her because they don't find her even remotely attractive and they probably could never penetrate her anyway.

Somehow Baldy has gotten her to take responsibility for all these latest things and his other plans. I see her all the time with a guilty face like everyone in the building has agreed upon her to be the scapegoat. She looks like she has never had a friend in the world and everything gets blamed on her. I am asking all of you to pray for her to get a chance to flip and get out of the awful situation she is in.

The young man witness will probably be raped and the young woman on the elevator will be anally raped because he made her feel that it would be safe to deal with surveillist anal rapists. In a way this young woman could be a fool too. She has been fooling herself.

There was also a maintenance man that came to the building to witness that I was not friendly or talkative. He was a Hispanic man that I have not seen in the building for quite some time. As I headed towards the stairwell I normally use he said a very bright hello to me. I greeted him with even more enthusiasm. Then he started talking about himself, hoping that I would not want to continue talking. I sensed what he wanted and cooperated. I didn't reply. So then he witnessed that I am not friendly.

They are also forcing servicemen at my food bank to act as witnesses now. You will recall a man lamented that I was really nice. The serviceman was super talkative and ran on about how difficult his job was. He spoke so quickly I was unable to take in exactly what he was saying or even speculate on why he was telling me so much about himself. He was certainly very enthusiastic about what he said. I didn't know how to respond and feared that if I responded with any enthusiasm, he might not leave and talk high speed all day. I thanked him and let him go on to carry someone else's food. He took responsibility for the apartment building maintenance man talking about himself and saying that I wasn't friendly if anything should ever come up to discount the maintenance man's testimony. He only cares about saving his own skin and the surveillists would like to use him again because he is so believable on TV. He is one of the only ones who have worked in this building who had the opportunity to tell the truth and save all the rest of the original building staff. He could have told exactly what he thought of the surveillists and he only thought of continuing his own comfortable life. I think he is quite a citizen, a lousy one. The other people who have witnessed that the building is safe are to cover for him so he can appear again on TV.

By the way if the people who are in our building's names are on the internet. I would like to see it to do my own investigation.

So getting back to the young woman on the elevator.

She was convinced that the people in the building were not bad people. So when I thought she was a bad person because she was in the building, she assumed that I was a poor judge of character and that I was a prejudiced person. When she heard my thought that I didn't like the idea of having sexual intercourse with her, she judged that I am prejudiced against people who have pre-marital sexual intercourse.

Now it's time to consider how she came to be selected to be the one on the elevator. How do the surveillists go about selecting someone like her? Do they put an ad in the paper? No, of course not. Simply put, the native Americans know more about what is going on in the surveillance community than any other group of people. The native Americans of the Arizona area know more about the surveillist activities with me, especially when they've used native Americans as their agents, than any other group of people.

Why, is of course the question. Joseph Smith would often say that the native Americans, or Indians as they called them in those days, are the most abused people on the American continent. How were they abused?

Well, the way native Americans court a husband is a lot different from the way European white people do. They will have sexual intercourse with someone and try to please them in the hopes of getting into a committed relationship with them. Unfortunately, there were a lot of European white men who took advantage of native American women. They would get them pregnant and leave them. Sometimes they would live with a woman for a few years and give her children, then leave to go back to live with white people. Daniel Boone was famous among many native American tribes. They often had special native American names for him. It wasn't "Dances with Wolves" it was "Man Who Spreads Syphilis".

When a people is as abused as native Americans have been, they stick together and try and help each other not get abused in the future. So they talk about what people do. The surveillists have often given the short end of the stick to native Americans trying to get them to seduce me. Amanda is just one small example.

The girl on the elevator knew that surveillists were looking for someone to judge me as a racist who was prejudiced against native Americans. She showed up at the right place at the right time where they were looking for a witness. The very first question they asked her was, "do you think Robert Cull is prejudiced against native Americans?" She answered in the affirmative. From the very beginning she knew exactly what surveillists wanted to hear and she told them exactly what they wanted. And she got to be the witness she wanted to be.

Suppose you know of someone that might know something about love and you wanted to learn from them. If someone is hoping to learn about love, do you think they would be more likely to learn from someone by investing love and faith and honesty and being direct and honest about wanting to make friends with him, or by investing deceit and making friends and agreements with his enemies to do things to him that he doesn't believe are good and even to be a witness against him for his enemies. Who do you think is playing games here? I'll let you be the judge.

Now this was not the only event of the day.

I got to see Idelfonso Fierro at the north entrance of the Christown mall. He was the satanist neighbor who claimed that he was present in the common area when I was arrested by surveillists dressed as policemen on 26 December 2016. He is a hero to many of the local satanists for bearing false witness against me. I will have more to say about him in another writing.

I will say that incest and other sexual abuse runs in his family and that he is addicted to it and has sexually abused many children his own age as he was growing up. His family taught him to hate Christians because they are against sexual abuse and they take all the enjoyment out of the kinds of sexual abuse he was taught by his family. Many people are satanists for different reasons. There are satanists that have never heard anything about Christianity and that have never been taught to hate or be against Christianity. Many satanists and people in witches covens and other people that are thought to be enemies of Christians are not hostile to Christians and some even teach their members to be decent as well as some moral principles. Idelfonso is a bad satanist because he has been taught that it is sometimes necessary to bear false witness against Christians because Christians will work to keep them from having the kinds of sexually abusive relationships that he and his parents are addicted to.

On the way back from the mall I had a staged interaction with a policewoman and another commuter. Both of them were very dark-skinned blacks. The kind of dark-skinned blacks that are so dark-skinned that you can't see the tone of their skin change even when they blush very deeply.

These two were picked out to act out a little vignette so that it could be witnessed to the Central Ward members on behalf of Bishop Reed that I am not friendly, that I don't talk to people, that I don't listen to people, that I am in my own little world and don't pay attention to people, that I won't ask people for help, and that I won't accept help. Neither one of these people wanted to be witnesses that I was a racist. They knew that the woman on the elevator earlier this morning was already set up for that. In fact, they had trouble finding black people that wanted to be a part of this operation.

You see, all the black people (like native Americans they have been abused and stick together when there is potential abuse and warn each other about it) that work as extortionists know that native Americans love to use blacks for extortion purposes and they knew that native Americans were in charge of these latest operations. If you don't believe it, ask these two blacks after you have made some other inquiries and judge for yourself. Experienced extortionist blacks know that the native Americans can get them to all kinds of shame that they have never been through for white extortionists. Especially extortionist blacks in the central Phoenix area, especially since there has been so much surveillist interference. Generally people of darker-skin in the area don't like getting involved in situations where they are trying to witness that I am racist, because they have born so much shame and died of shame so frequently in the past trying to do so.

These two people didn't want to be involved in witnessing I was a racist, but they were talked into witnessing that I was a sexist. Neither did any black extortionists want to receiving pay or motivation in the form of sexual favors. Many blacks know that native American women know very well how to use a black man as a shame shield long after they have had sexual intercourse for even one time, like the lighter-skinned black man that sister Rosenthal brought as her date to the singles function with Bobby (I will tell any lie for fear of anal rapists) Parker.

Sister Rosenthal like many native Americans prefer to have sexual intercourse (with people they may extort in the future) with lighter-skinned blacks, especially one who has violated the law of chastity many times. They feel that the lighter skin is kind of a safety valve. A lighter-skinned black who has violated the law of chastity frequently will be less likely to blush a lot. If he does blush deeply then it will betray him. But a lighter-skinned black man who has violated the law of chastity frequently will not likely blush very deeply and sister Rosenthal's friend will bear the shame of the adultery without any suspicion. Unfortunately, when he is pressed it will give away that sister Rosenthal actually did commit adultery with him and that she combined with her fellow native Americans and other sisters to say that I had threatened to kill people along with her black one-time lover.

Now I've already mentioned that sister Rosenthal like many native Americans stick together and keep track of what people say and also what they do. If you take the time to get to know them and get into their confidence you will learn that native Americans consider themselves a conquered people. And they also consider anyone who does not cooperate with them against white people a traitor. And we all know what the penalty for treason is. That is why they will persecute a fellow native American worse than anyone if they cooperate with whites in trying to live a chaste life. They expect each other to combine against whites and blacks, particularly corrupt whites and blacks. You can find the same behavior among many black people. They will often use games and isolation to keep a spouse close to them rather than honesty. This is especially true when a spouse is not a very good person and only games will work. But there are many people who will only resort to game playing because they know nothing else and are not willing to try anything new. Of course when priesthood holders are corrupt it doesn't inspire game players to try something new and they will fall back on playing games with the priesthood holders.

Non-member native American generally expect member native Americans to play along with their games. If native American members do not cooperate with other native Americans who are playing games they will often persecute that member without mercy. This means that if native American members commit to the gospel, good members really need to be committed to help them live the gospel. They will be under more pressure than a normal member to do unworthy things. If you know a native American member, it is really important for you to be a good friend to them and to be there for them when they need you. When native Americans see their member friends successfully live the law of chastity, it can affect the entire community. Non-member native Americans want a chaste relationship as much as anyone and when they see a member native American live a successful chaste life, they want to know more about the Church. Later on I will write about how important it is to preach the gospel among the leaders of a native American community.

For example, sister Rosenthal was very open to the idea of chastity when it was first taught to her, but when she learned from her native American friends that Mel Johnson's wife had cheated on him many times with other brothers who Mel neglected to serve as a righteous priesthood holder and offer fellowship (sister Johnson offered fellowship and Mel was afraid that she would have sexual intercourse with me as she had many other brothers) and when she observed the behavior of many other members, she decided that Latter-day Saints are no different from other men that want women to be faithful to them, but are not faithful themselves.

I left out that native American women prefer to extort lighter-skinned blacks because you can see them blush when they are pressed. Native American women know that if a black man blushes too deeply for too long he can become violent. So they will ease off on extorting a man if he blushed too badly.

This was the case of the darker-skinned black person who was trying to egg a white orderly trained in martial arts to give me a traumatic beating while I was in Valleywise Behavioral Health Center. The black person who actually propositioned me was lighter-skinned and he did not blush. But this darker-skinned black hospital technician had been severely shamed for propositioning patients to receive oral sex and he had never gotten over it. He felt that black people have to stick together for their "right to proposition patients or other men with offers of oral sex". I quote that to emphasize that there is no such right. The reason the white orderly was blushing was because he had observed this kind of behavior before in black men and was ashamed of himself for falling for it. He covered for the black men by testifying that I was violent and had to be sent into a quiet room. I was loud because this black technician was in my room and keeping me awake with his loud talking.

Now some people may think that it is a disadvantage to be black because if this man had been lighter-skinned, he would have blushed when people may have confronted him for propositioning people in the past. Anyone who saw him blushing would have realized he was ashamed and didn't need any more chastising. But it can also be a disadvantage to be white. When I was very young I was ashamed that I didn't have any friends and I would blush deeply every day on the playground. There were people who noticed and would make fun of me making it even harder for me. I know the pain that comes from deep blushing and I know that sometimes people can get angry enough to become violent or even kill. After many, many hours of shame I learned not to be angry but just to be quietly sad and after some time I learned not to be ashamed not to have any friends.

This is why extortive native American women will tend to use lighter-skinned blacks. They don't want someone becoming mad enough to kill them. It happens sometimes. My sister was killed while being raped by a darker-skinned black man. I know this not because I saw him but because I know my sister and have some revelation. My sister worked as a nude dancer and as a prostitute. I know this because I overheard her telling my sisters about it. She also enjoyed sexually humiliating men. She humiliated and hated her killer to the very end. She didn't realize that she caused him to be in a state of shame and that he couldn't control himself. She hated my father and men in general. It's a sad story but at least I have learned why she died. I believe she repented in heaven when someone explained to her her mistake.

Now getting back to what happened on the train with the two black surveillist agents. The black commuter decided that he did not want to risk being a shame-shield for sexual intercourse, he knew how native American women can make use of you forever, for just having sexual intercourse with them one time. He agreed to work in this scheme for money. The other agent was a paid surveillist posing as a transit police officer. She may have been new-hired and they plan to get rid of her right after the gig too just so surveillists could say she was not a paid surveillists. She was willing to work on these terms because she would rather lose a job than bear the shame of being a surveillist schemer if her involvement became known.

To prepare her for her participation she was asked if she thought that it was okay to use a woman as a shield. She answered in the affirmative. The black commuter said he thought it was okay and he asked her to be his shame shield. The woman agreed to witness I don't respect women policemen as an authority if the man would agree to witness that I won't accept help and am not friendly if the old (he's not old he has just been in and out of service here for a long time) Hispanic maintenance man's testimony doesn't hold up. They did not want to be witnesses that I was prejudiced against any kind of black culture because they know the culture they came from is full of extortion and game playing and they don't want to get caught up in it. They know that when native Americans are accused of playing games in their culture, they can often pin it on blacks who play games as part of their culture. That way they can get blacks the focus of the attention and get the focus off themselves.

By the way, this woman had recently paid a lot of money (as have many other black transit policewoman paid to interact with me. Keeping the opportunity for any woman to be my sex partner is always a part of the deal) to get her hair done in neat corn rows. Chris Rock has openly spoken about the culture of black women who will pay incredible amounts of money just to get their hair done. Part of the reason this woman was picked out was that she feels very good about the way she looks. She wanted to look good because she had been coached the same way the woman on the elevator had been coached. But she was wiser and expected that other agents would interrupt any sexual intercourse and escalate it into an anal rape. But just in case this could develop into something that surveillists had promised, she wanted to have her hair looking nice.

So let's get on to the interaction we had on the train.

But first I need to set things up a bit.

I got on the train on the way to the mall at Washington and Central Ave. I got off at the next stop at Central Station, Van Buren and Central Ave. The transit building was closed so I couldn't buy any bus passes. I really wanted to get a bus ticket because of an interaction I had with a stranger some months earlier.

Because of COVID-19 they were giving free bus and train rides some months earlier. When I asked a stranger about tickets he said the rides were free. I was surprised and said, "I can live with that." I figured that person would be used by Bishop Reed to tell the local congregation that I was financially irresponsible and would like to live off charity for the rest of my life.

So this day I really wanted to get a bus ticket. But the Central Transit station was closed and I couldn't buy any bus tickets there. I tried three of the automated machines that are supposed to accept debit cards at the Central Station but none of them would accept my card. So I figured I would get on the train and if anyone wanted to see my bus pass I would explain the situation. The surveillists had not counted on the fact that I would try to buy bus passes, but they went ahead with their plans anyway. Bishop Reed had taken responsibility for it if it went wrong and he really wanted to tell, the local members at least, that I wouldn't accept help or be friendly or sociable.

So now the scene is set up for what happened on the train.

On the way home from the mall I was sitting reading from my phone as usual and pretending that I was just another rider unconscious of the fact that everyone present was a surveillist agent. I like to pass the time reading while I'm on the train or bus. It makes the time go by faster. I've been accustomed to being around nothing but surveillist agents for years.

The transit policewoman announced that she needed to see our tickets. I was highly suspicious that this was some kind of set up surveillist interaction to prove something or another (I've been through thousands of them). I was prepared to tell the woman that I tried to get a ticket at the Central Station from the machines and the transit building which was closed. I continued to read from my phone. I try to stay focused on my phone when I am on the train in these situations. The more I stay focused on my reading, the surveillists feel more comfortable like I am buying into their act and things seem to go more pleasantly. I try to ignore people like I normally would. I have depression and I generally get anxious if I try to make friends or be very sociable, but I am not anti-social. I do not want to give that impression not only for myself but for the sake of the Church. I am a priesthood holder and am supposed to love everyone like Christ would.

As I was reading and the woman came nearer I received an impression that the black man to my right was friendly and that to please good people surveillists had decided to let me interact with a person whose only purpose was to be friendly to me. I believed the impression (but I was fooled) but didn't want to converse. From this scanty evidence surveillists and this man would witness that I was not sociable. How in the world could people expect me to have a sincere conversation under such contrived circumstances? Anyway, on one count, a very weak one, they could witness that I was unsociable.

Now when the woman approached the black man on my right he assumed a mildly belligerent attitude, which I tuned out as I usually do on the train or bus. People like that are often only trying to get attention and often when you deny them the attention they act out less. I tuned into what I was reading. I overheard him say that he didn't want a bus ticket and saw him throw it on the ground. But I wasn't yet worried about having a ticket, I was prepared to tell the transit woman my story. Furthermore, I assumed that no one would throw a good ticket on the ground. And when people start throwing things in front of a police officer, it can be best to ignore it and let the policewoman take care of it.

The surveillists had judged how I would react really well. They knew I would tune the belligerent black person out, read my from my phone and stay mentally prepared to tell the transit woman my story. When she asked me for my ticket and I explained I that I did my best to purchase one, she told me that I would have to get off the train and purchase one even though there was a good ticket lying on the floor right in front of her.

But then I did something that no one had expected. I explained again that I had done my best to purchase a ticket and then asked her if she would get off the train with me and show me how to operate the ticket machine at that stop so that I could purchase a ticket with my debit card. For a minute she hesitated. I had asked for help and they were there to witness that I wouldn't ask for help. But actually, it was the black person to my right who was going to witness that I wouldn't ask for help, so she was in the clear. For a moment, she hesitated not knowing what to do. I was very intent in speaking to her because I did not want to have to walk home. I was so focused on her that I did not hear the man to my right belligerently yelling at me that there was a good ticket lying on the floor in front of me. Surveillists knew from past experience that when there is a belligerent person (there can be a lot of them on the public transportation) and I am talking to a policeman, I stay focused on the policeman. (if they were being honest at all, that would kind of blow the idea that I don't respect policemen or policewomen out of the water, wouldn't you say?)

I was still very intent on getting the woman to assist me in buying a ticket or at least getting her to see that the ticket machines don't work properly. I have never gotten one of them to work with my recently issued debit card. Although this surveillist agent knew fully well that there was a perfectly good bus ticket on the floor in front of her, she said that I would have to get out and buy a ticket. I started to ask her once again to get off the train and help me buy a ticket when it got through to me that the man yelling at me was saying that there was a good ticket right on the floor in front of me (of course, if he really wanted to be helpful he could have gotten up and picked it up and handed it to me). I then picked up the ticket, still wondering what in the world they were trying to prove this time, and handed it to the transit policewoman.

She was free to say that I did not respect female police officers. She would have been wrong, but a lot of the time all surveillists want is for a potential witness to come in my vicinity before bearing a witness of something. She had already agreed to witness that I didn't respect women. And the commuter was free to witness that I don't accept help easily. Of course, this interaction had been staged so that I would be so engaged with the officer that was threatening to have me get off the train that I would not pay any attention to the troublemaker on my right. For the astute observer neither one of them could honestly make either claim.

Now to tie off the story about the old 209 W Jackson Hispanic maintenance man. I will call him Jack just to make it short. Jack was hired perhaps a year and a half ago when surveillists were still being friendly and not so pushy with the staff at 209 W Jackson. He had been hired to witness that I was sort of an evangelical Latter-day Saint who was a little creepy about how he witnessed of the Church and also that I was not friendly. The management at the apartment building was very cooperative and put him on the staff payroll as the (very civil at that time) surveillists requested. He didn't work here very long and then I would only see him again with long intervals of time in between, perhaps months at a time.

He was very cooperative with the surveillists and he understood that surveillists wanted him to be a witness that I was not a very nice person and perhaps a little creepy about how I witnessed of the Church and the Book of Mormon. But he was supposed to be a more objective witness, not agreeing to witness ahead of our interactions but afterward of his own free accord. When he was let go and as the surveillist interference increased in the apartment complex and the central Phoenix area, he stayed on the side of surveillists. When ever his friends in his personal life would ask about what was going on, he defended the surveillists and when the public started becoming suspicious he would defend the surveillists even to his friends. He would say things like it was complicated and agree with whatever story lines surveillists came up with. He was, in fact, afraid of them. They continued to maintain a relationship with them and stay in touch. He knew as long as he would defend the surveillists his friendly relationship with surveillists would continue and he had nothing to fear.

When Jack was first approached by the surveillists he knew that there was something really wrong about them and their interference at the apartment complex. He could tell that they wanted him to act as a witness that I was not friendly and a little creepy in the way I talked about the gospel. Why on earth would they need such a witness? It was obvious to him that they intended to interfere even more with the staff at the apartment complex and that the situation was already pretty interfering. It was obvious to Jack that push could come to shove with these people but that as long as Jack was nice to them and said what he thought they wanted about me, Jack would be safe.

In all our interactions it was always very obvious to me that Jack intended to be nicer to me and friendlier to me than I was to him so that he could bear witness that I was not really a nice person. I am mentally ill and have trouble acting really, really nice. I was never going to be able to be friendlier to Jack than he was to me. What do you think of a person who would plan to do something like that from the outset to you so that he could maintain his own comfortable life and bear a witness against you, especially considering that Jack never knew a thing about me? Who do you think is the creepy one?

When stories surfaced about possible wrongdoing by staff or staff coercion by surveillists, Jack continued to defend them and make appearances at the apartment building for my benefit occasionally. He would continue to say the same things and defend the surveillists. He would say that I wouldn't ask for help at exactly the same time when he knew as well as anyone that the Saints were afraid to offer me help. He has only been thinking of saving his own skin throughout this debacle and his loyalties have always been to the surveillists and not to the endangered staff of the apartment building. Surveillists had a serviceman at my food bank be really friendly in a fast talking, self-oriented, hard to follow conversational kind of way. He was to take responsibility for the fact that I was friendly to this maintenance man the last time I saw him but the maintenance man suddenly turned the focus of his interaction with me from outward friendliness to self-absorbed reflection which made trying to continue a conversation with him awkward. He fully intended at the outset to witness that I was not friendly. With the growing surveillance interference affecting everyone in the central Phoenix area, he wanted to maintain his friendly relationship with these government agents who interfere by force in all kinds of the affairs of Phoenix citizens.

He had witnessed that his relationships with the original staff had become strained and had good reason from what he heard on the news that they were in danger. But he preferred to keep his own life comfortable even though he could have said something on camera on his television interviews that would have thrown suspicion on surveillists and gotten them out of the affairs and lives of his fellow staff members. He preferred to defer to the comfort of potentially dangerous surveillist interferers than to the comfort and safety of his fellow staff and citizens of the central Phoenix area and beyond. My safety he cared nothing about ever.

A staged interaction with some white girls and native Americans at the copy store (6-16-20).

This was after I had the above interaction with the native American woman on the elevator. I had not yet written about it or posted it on my website so surveillists working with native Americans decided to stage this last ditch attempt at seducing me and making me look like a racist.

Now before I get along too far again I think it is worth pointing out that it is the job of the surveillists to deal with potential terrorists, not to find sexual partners for people so that they can overcome racists tendencies.

I went to the Staples at Central Avenue and Osborne to get some printouts. Surveillists rigged the self-serve printing machines so they would not accept the thumb drive that I had brought with me. This took an inordinate amount of time. It is worth going into great detail to describe this interaction because it is one of the favorite ploys of native Americans that have been setting up schemes with surveillists.

So after spending quite a bit of time working with the non-functioning printout machines I got in line where they have people to do things for you. Two native American girls made every effort to ignore me for several minutes. I have been through this kind of ploy many, many times in 2016 when surveillists were taking advantage of my anxiety. They hope that I will become paranoid and feel that I need to be nicer to the help. I was supposed to assume that it is because of my prejudice against native Americans that I was being ignored. They hoped that I would try to overcompensate by being especially nice to these native American women and even be affectionate. But I treated them like any other help and simply waited for them to notice me and wait on me. That's their job and I expected them to do it like any of the help whatever their race.

Years ago I would have thought things like, "oh great, another native American game. When are these conniving people going to quit playing these games and just get me my printouts." These girls were there to witness by my thoughts that I was a racist against native Americans. But I was relaxed that day and I was able to think good thoughts.

Then a helpful LGBT clerk told another white worker named "Brenda" to help me. It was hoped that I would think something negative about him, but I didn't. Brenda never looked up from her work or came to serve me. They were hoping I would get angry, but I am doing a lot better than I was in 2016 and I had been through this ploy so many times it was almost laughable to me. When Brenda never even looked up at me, it didn't even phase me. Then the helpful LGBT clerk came along again urging her to help me and she didn't. I wasn't surprised.

Since I had written something that could appear to be negative about native Americans and people from stone-age cultures, they were hoping I would feel paranoid and overcompensate by showing the native Americans affection. They were hoping my paranoia would be so bad that I would lose myself in the eyes of these native American women and break the law of chastity, which surveillists hoped they could escalate into an anal rape. They were hoping that since the help there could hear my thoughts, I would feel especially paranoid and desperate. But I know the truth of my convictions. These people were there to play games and I knew it.

The surveillists who were running the show and communicating to the receivers in people's ears decided that I was just not attracted to native Americans and they brought in some white girls to wait on me. I could tell that they were selected because they believed I was a bad person probably someone with sexual problems. They had also been selected because they were willing to believe they would be "helping" me if they had sexual intercourse with them. Like the woman in the elevator they had romantic ideas about true chaste love and they thought they could get into a relationship with me by deceit. They played like they weren't going to help me for a while, then I thought, "haven't these women figured out that every time surveillists try to make me out to be a bigot, they get proven wrong?" This didn't affect them. Then I thought, "but only the people who love me have noticed the pattern."

Both these women were interested in a committed relationship and when they realized that if they wanted to really know me, they would have to love me, they changed their minds about what the surveillists had said and were willing to believe that I was actually a good person. One of the girls really started to blush and was visibly trembling. They were both really frightened to get near me when I showed them the machine wasn't working and I handed them the thumb drive. They were both very sexually excited and uncomfortable. I felt very sorry for them.

Feeling that the only way for them to get me to love them was to be honest, they gave me what I asked for and made the printouts for me. I felt very sorry for them.

For any women that would feel so desperate in the future I would like to just outline a short formula to obtain true love. Read the Book of Mormon and join the Church and follow it's doctrine. And don't develop a fixation on finding a companion. The Church teaches that if you are faithful and don't find a companion in the mortal realm, you will find one after you are resurrected. The important thing is not to be so fixated on finding a companion. President Hinckley would say that you should find something worthwhile to do in the meantime, like serve your fellow man. That would get you in practice for serving your companion when you find them in this life or the millenium after you are resurrected. Trapping a man by getting him addicted to your body through sexual excitement can backfire on you like it did for these women.

As I was leaving the store I made a point of thinking that there was probably two black men that were going to have sexual intercourse with these young women. This is an established pattern in this type of surveillance work. There is always someone waiting to take advantage of the poor women who have allowed themselves to become so sexually excited that they can't control themselves. These men are very happy to have noncommittal sexual intercourse with a woman in a state of shame. One of these girls was a virgin and it's really sad that she was lured into a filthy form of noncommittal sexual intercourse because of her designs to lure a man into a committed relationship through deceit.

It is likely both these women will be anally raped by surveillists. You should stay away from those people like they will give you a terminal disease.

A few days prior to this there was a Hispanic woman at the reception desk at 209 W Jackson who took responsibility for saying I would be easily seduced. She appeared to be Hispanic, but the Spirit bore testimony to me that she also had some native American blood and was very eager to see me persecuted. She felt certain that since I had written that the people of some races can have problems and faults that there would be so many people willing to persecute me as a racist that I would never be able to bear up under it.

Some good things to say about native Americans from the Book of Mormon.

Another thing I thought which changed the minds of the girls in the copy store was a little reasoning. If you study the work of anthropologists, you will find that people of different races, ethnicities and cultures can have very good and very bad characteristics associated with their races, ethnicities and cultures.

I noted that Jewish people tend to be involved in higher education. They also tend to be involved in the garment industries and in the media. Thomas Sowell, himself black, notes that people of different races and backgrounds often have their own characteristics and skills and that you really shouldn't expect people of different races, ethnicities and cultures to be the same at all.

For the sake of these young women I also thought of a pleasant experience I had with a Japanese couple who wanted me to meet their daughter because they felt I could be a good husband. They explained that their marriage had been arranged by their parents and had worked out very well. I don't think there is a greater complement that one can receive than being told they would like you to marry their daughter.

The Book of Mormon tells a wonderful story about a group of missionaries who had great success with a group of Lamanites or native Americans. They first converted the king of this group and the king saw to it that many of his subjects received the gospel. These native Americans were so faithful that when they were attacked by another group of native Americans that were hostile to the gospel, they allowed themselves to be killed in excruciating ways and praise God in the act of death. By their faith their murderers were converted and more people were added to them than were killed.

These people vowed to never again make war upon anyone again and were admitted into a special place among the Nephites.

Hugh Nibley in one of his books tells about how a group of Ute Indians were converted. It happened by the same pattern as the people in the Book of Mormon. Their leaders were converted first. I feel it is important to remember with native Americans that they see themselves as a tribe or family and they like to stick together. If you can convert the leaders, you can convert many without anyone feeling betrayed and everyone is happy.

It has also been prophesized that native American Church members will be responsible for teaching the remaining Saints how to live the United Order. The United Order is the economical system of heaven. Most everything is shared and the people who will do the most beneficial things with their possessions are given the possessions they need to do them.

Among many Indians there is a saying, "if one of us has corn, all of us will have corn." If they eat, they eat together. If they starve, they starve together. They have the proper spirit when it comes to living the law of consecration or the United Order which is the economical system of heaven. The Saints have tried to live it before and been unsuccessful.

Through an impression surveillists try to make me feel that millenials don't like me.

At one time I started to publish what was going on with surveillists on my website. I wrote about how in Mexico surveillists had an extremely large plane that used anti-gravity fly by my camp so that I could see it. This was meant to make me despair. Surveillists hoped that if I knew really powerful technology was in their hands, I would feel desperate and give up hope. At another time they used some kind of technology to make it rain when I was having an episode in Denver.

In 2016 surveillists sought to make me give up hope by an appeal to President Obama.

(I'm getting to the millenials, but first I have to present a little background information).

In 2016 surveillists really started to use many people with receivers in their ears against me.

At that time I was thinking that I could stop the surveillists by an appeal to President Obama. Since it was President Obama's definition of a terrorist that enabled surveillist extortionists to persecute me, I reasoned that if I could only get an audience with President Obama and convince him that I wasn't a bad person, the surveillance would have to stop.

I had tried writing him letters, but I was sure surveillists had intercepted my letters. I toyed with the idea of trying to find out where he would make public appearances and then calling out to him from the crowd. But I figured that surveillists would interfere and make this impossible.

But when crowds of people were being given receivers in their ears, I thought that I could use that as an opportunity to somehow contact President Obama. When I was sure that many people were tuned in to my thoughts, I would explain in my mind that I was not a bad person and how President Obama's statement made it possible for surveillists to persecute me. I plead with all those listening to help me get in contact with President Obama.

At that time surveillists were having a lot of success convincing people that I was a bad person. They would first get people to listen to isolated recordings of my thoughts to convince them that I was violent, that I was a sexist, that I hated homosexuals and that I was a racist. This was very easy since they could place thoughts in my mind.

There were many hateful people placed around me that were in agreement with surveillists that I should be persecuted merely for the "fact" that I was bigoted. I was often surprised at the fact that there could be so many people that believed in persecuting a person with a fault rather than show them love to reform them. Surveillists at that time were very good at inspiring people with a spirit of hatred and persecution.

I was pleading with people to contact President Obama but surveillists picked out people that were entirely unsympathetic that would even scoff at me when they heard my thoughts and put on nasty expressions.

I continued to plead and I would often wonder what was wrong with our country and with the Obama's that they would make a statement that would enable so much wrongdoing. How could a person who understood so little about human rights ever get elected? I would often ponder that question.

I would go over in my mind my study of President Obama.

I remembered how early on in his presidency he would advocate getting involved in the affairs of other countries militarily and would advocate interference in citizen's affairs at home. At first when he would talk about these thing with reluctance as if he had some reservations and it wasn't what he wanted to do. But years later in his presidency he would sound very tough. This is because he was parroting the way he was talked to by those on the National Security Counsel. These people would tell him that he had better go along with their policies or they would expose him for being a homosexual. Obama seemed like a decent person to me at first in his presidency. But eventually he began to knuckle under to surveillist extortionists and even delegated surveillists virtually unlimited powers by giving them power to persecute anyone they thought was a terrorist.

But how could such a spineless person ever get elected?

I thought about how I when I was in high school back in the late 70s that I would view magazines from European countries. At my school teachers would get subscriptions to foreign magazines so that students could go over them and get some exposure to foreign languages as well as foreign culture. I could remember a sense of revulsion I had towards the politicians I would see on the covers of these magazines. How vain they appeared. I couldn't get over it. It was obvious that these European politicians had run for office because they merely wanted attention and hoped to be celebrities. Politicians in the US were not like that in those days and I couldn't help feeling that US politicians were superior to European politicians. What an awful state those countries must be in with such leaders I would think to myself.

When I was in college at the beginning of every fall semester there were students that would run for class president. This was in the early 80s. There were these students that would pay exorbitant amounts of money to make color copies of flyers with their faces on them. There was no message. Nothing but pictures of grinning egotistical morons. There was only a flattering picture of the candidate with a caption that they were running for some class office.

I could not get over how these people were searching for nothing but popularity, how the whole proceedings was nothing but a popularity contest. To me the whole proceedings seemed shameful. I made an effort never to look at these posters and hoped never to see any of these people in person. I felt ashamed to be going to the same school with them. These people would get scores of people to put up their posters and try to make them popular telling people how wonderful they were. Years later I would read that these same people are the people from among whom our political parties choose their candidate. What a sorrowful prospect to be choosing our leaders from.

I was sure that President Obama was taken from among these kinds of ranks. He and his wife have probably posed for more pictures on the cover of magazines than any other President. I have also been disgusted with his wife who when President Obama was taking a lot of ridicule, in her never-ending search for celebrity, will join in with those ridiculing her husband. She, like so many celebrities, is more interested in what she looks like and being popular than in supporting her husband when he's being persecuted.

President Obama is a grinning egotistical moron too. But I thought that he must have some semblance of decency. I continued to plead with those tuned in to my thoughts to put me in contact with President Obama so that I could have an opportunity to end the interference. I thought that if he only knew what I was going through, he would put an end to all this interference.

There was one particular time at the Safeway on E McDowell and N 7th St that I was in line when I saw this picture.

Surveillists gave me the impression that President Obama and his wife were told of my situation with surveillists and they were thinking of me at the time the picture was taken. They believed what surveillists were telling them. That I was a bigot, a sexist, a racist and a prude. All the people in my vicinity in the store believed it too and they all scoffed at me and gave me nasty looks. As usual surveillists were hoping that I would be put to shame. But I knew myself and that I wasn't any of the things that I was accused of and I was not ashamed. I was given impressions that what President Obama and his wife were thinking was, "don't you wish you could be like us?" That is the kind of decency I received from our President when he was informed of my situation. He did not even believe that I deserved a fair trial.

Surveillists try to make me feel I am unpopular with millenials through some celebrities.

This happened when I was showing some sympathy for millenials in my platform for President. I had written about making homesteading possible again and fixing our currency so that farm products would be protected from inflation.

At that time on YouTube I saw the following videos come up under "Dear Class of 2020." There was no reason this should come up as a selection except that surveillists wanted me to see it.

When I saw these pictures I got an impression from the surveillists that these people were the real people who were influencing millenials. I also received an impression from surveillists that they all thought I was a racist, a sexist and a bigot because I had noticed that some races from stone-age cultures can have some problems. I received an impression that these people felt I deserved to be isolated and made to feel unpopular and that they were the really "with it" people who are the real influence on today's youth. They would all agree together (notice that some of them are white) that native Americans and blacks do not "play games" as I have written.

If Michelle Obama and Beyoncé insist that blacks do not play the kind of games I have outlined, ask them if they have ever enjoyed isolating and sexually humiliating a white man into telling them that black women make the best sexual partners. I would also like them to comment on the statement that black women are the best sexual partners. Isn't believing that black women or women of any race make the best sexual partners a racist belief?

Has Michelle Obama ever delighted in sexually humiliating any man that would expose her husband as being a homosexual? Has Michelle Obama ever delighted in sexually humiliating a political enemy of her husband? Aren't there better ways to deal with prejudice than to sexually humiliate people? What about showing them decency and love?

If black people and other people do not play games or try to isolate people who have said something uncomplimentary about their race or noticed any generality about another race in the hopes of sexually humiliating them, has President Obama or Lady Ga Ga or any of these other celebrities ever worked to isolate a person who has said anything uncomplimentary or noticed any generality about a race, so that they could be sexually humiliated? Have they ever abandoned a person that others were trying to isolate in the hopes of sexually humiliating them?

Another pertinent question: has Michelle Obama, Lady Ga Ga or any of these other celebrities at any time when they were unhappy with their own sex lives delighted in seeing another person who advocates fidelity in marriage or who noted that there can be some cultural differences among some races sexually humiliated? Or at any time when they were unhappy with their own sex lives have they ever delighted in seeing another person sexually humiliated?

Have any of these people delighted in seeing another person sexually humiliated who has accused any people of any ethnicity or race of playing games? And isn't that the reason they were willing to cooperate with surveillists in trying to put me to shame, because they delight in seeing others sexually humiliated? Is this the way we want to think of these people as leaders for our children? Do they honestly think we wish for our children to emulate their behavior?

The subjects of blacks getting the priesthood.

A few years ago blacks were not allowed the priesthood. I've studied this subject. At the beginning of the Church blacks were first allowed the priesthood. Then some time after that, blacks were denied the priesthood. There is no record of why they were denied the priesthood. But I think I have figured it out.

Before I get to that I may as well broach the subject of Cain. The Church teaches that the mark put upon Cain was the black skin and that the blacks are the descendants of Cain. This is not a teaching peculiar to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is something that was taught among churches long before the Church came into being.

Supposedly after killing his brother Abel Cain blushed a lot because he was ashamed of what he did. His black skin was a way of covering his shame. As I understand the story Cain had dreamt of killing his brother, but after changing his mind, killed him in a fit of jealous rage. In a way his crime was premeditated and in a way it was not. God gave him black skin to lessen his shame. At least that's how I interpret the story. It wasn't a way of punishing Cain, it was a way of making his burdens easier to bear.

The gospel also teaches that you can't hold a person responsible for a parent's actions. So Cain's children were not being punished by being given dark skin either. Black skin is not any kind of sign of inferiority. It can be an advantage and it can also be a disadvantage not to be able to see someone's shame. If you are around good people who will go easy on a person who shows signs of shame, it can be an advantage to have light skin. If you are around bad people who will make fun of a person who shows signs of shame, it can be an advantage to have dark skin.

I believe my experience with shame shields has given me insight into the problem of blacks being denied the priesthood that most people don't have. Joseph Smith wrote that he felt blacks "might ... overrun our country, and violate the most sacred principles of human society, chastity and virtue" ("The Documentary History of the Church" 2:434-8). At that time just about every black person had been sexually abused and they sexually abused each other. Joseph Smith would not have had the impression he had if conditions were not what they were. Just like the Indians anyone that would stand up for chastity would be considered a traitor and would be viciously persecuted so that no black person could stand up to them. So it appeared to Joseph Smith that blacks really were against chastity as a people.

Just as people are trying to get me to break the law of chastity today, there were whites that were enemies to the Church that were trying to get Joseph Smith to break the law of chastity in his day by using blacks.

Also Joseph Smith was not a bigot. He and his wife offered to adopt a black Latter-day Saint at one time. By that time he must have realized that all blacks can't have problems with chastity. They would not have invited an unchaste person to live with them in their home.

But today there are enough good blacks around that will stand up for chastity and can't be corrupted by their weaker brethren. Blacks have been free long enough for many of them to learn chastity in marriage and there are plenty of good blacks that can't be corrupted in that way. That is why the Lord allows blacks to hold the priesthood today. It is because there are good blacks that cannot be corrupted by weaker blacks.

Unfortunately there are also plenty of low-class blacks that surveillists can use to in their extortion schemes of today. They are a source of shame to good black people and just plain good people everywhere and I have stood up to them and told them so when I was living on the street in 2016.

I wonder what President Obama would have to say about black people who offer themselves up as shame shields. Did he consider that he was offering himself up as a shame shield when, due to pressure from surveillist extortionists, he offered up his definition of a terrorist so that surveillists extortionists could use him as a shame shield? Does he consider that he has served our country with honor and honored his race as our first black President?

Response to Elder's Quorum President Taylor Anderson.

I just got two emails from Ward priesthood holders. One is from CW Ross. His is not worth talking about. I think he is starting to get mentally ill. When he reads scripture he often feels condemned and overwhelmed with panic and guilt. He can only perceive me in terms of the way he sees himself. He thinks that when he recites a scripture that I will feel condemned and panic like he does. The scriptures only makes me feel good and peaceful. It is only just that he would become mentally ill after trying to worsen my condition and hoping to make me panic.

However, I went over Taylor Anderson's email and felt it was worth addressing. This email is supposed to convince us that Taylor is some wonderful "faithful" Elder's Quorum President when he is nothing but a sham.

I've already written about him and that he plays the part of a fool and that people like him are the most dangerous of all the corrupt priesthood holders. It is because he plays the part of the fool that makes him so dangerous. He encourages others to do so as well. He quoted some scripture that he feels supports him in his complacency to do nothing and to act as if the corrupt government agents that are occupying the central Phoenix area and Central Ward activities are good, trust worthy people.

D&C 121:45-46" Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine of the priesthood shall distil upon thy soul as the dews from heaven. The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth; and thy dominion shall be an everlasting dominion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee forever and ever.

I've already written about Taylor and his faults, and those things still apply and stand. But I felt it would be worthwhile to explain how he uses this scripture to justify his peaceful feelings of complacency and explain them in his own twisted explanation of scripture.

Taylor feels that he is "full of charity towards all men" when he feels no animosity towards me for pointing out his foolishness. As I have already pointed out he does not pray in faith and with real intent to do what God would have him do by praying to know if what President Ross and Bishop say is true. Neither does he pray in faith and with real intent by praying to know if what the surveillists are saying is true. To pray with real intent means that if God tells you the truth and wants you to do something, you are prepared to do it. He hasn't prayed in faith or with real intent. Otherwise, he and priesthood holders like him would tell me the identities of surveillists so I could start legal proceedings against them.

He feels it is a "virtue" not to bear me any ill will. But in fact what he feels is complacency and not any peace or confidence that comes from doing the right thing. He feels absolutely nothing for me at all. He feels no anger that I have called him a fool and he feels no fear for my physical or spiritual person or my safety. He is content in doing what surveillists order him to do. He feels as long as he plays the fool he will be safe. His foolishness and denial of the truth is the source of the peace he feels and to make the mistake of calling the effects of his complacency "confidence" is the most foolish thing of all. He truly denies the truth and Holy Ghost and will soon suffer for it.

In fact his negligence is so great to pretend that surveillists are not wrongfully persecuting me is blaspheming the Holy Ghost. He has the discernment of his priesthood office. He knows I am innocent. Yet he continues to neglect his duty and blaspheme the Holy Ghost.

When the real persecution starts, he will not be of any use to protect the fools that follow him, nor will any of them be able to protect him. All the cooperation he and others in the Ward have offered to the surveillists will be the cause of their own downfall. When he feels the cold hard reality of a surveillist's penis penetrate his anus, he will feel the shameful feeling that he is the only person to blame for his situation. This will be the fate of others like him in the Central Ward. They will all know they are to blame for their own fate. But they will blame me and go on despising me (by the way to despise means to just not care about someone. It is just how they are presently acting. Taylor and those like him don't care a fig about what happens to me) because it will be known to all that they have been anally raped and the world will know it because of the testimony I write here today.

I see this as a good and necessary thing. Because I am warning people about these things many people will repent and avoid being anally raped and get on the side of good. I am pleased to announce the shame Taylor and those like him will suffer and hope they will bear a great deal of public shame. It will be a way of warning many Saints and good people who will wish to avoid his fate. I promise such will be the fate of "charitable" and "virtuous" deniers of the truth and the Holy Ghost like Taylor. That will be the end of their "confidence."

Sunday, June 28th

Last Sunday I was sort of overwhelmed with the love and connection I felt with those of you in which we are one in Christ. It was a little too exciting for me. But for most of this week I felt a peaceful feeling just knowing my connection to Christ.

"None of us—no matter our circumstances, no matter how alone we may feel, no matter how much we may sense that we cannot connect with the world around us—are ever lost from the Lord ... you and I are never truly isolated or alone, because we have access to the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. Because He lived and died, we will never be alone. When we come to Him, His arms encircle us, His love encircles us, and we are more able to “hear Him” in our lives" ("How We Can “Hear Him” during Times of Loneliness," Elder Gerrit W. Gong).

It has really been a nice week. I have had the writing I posted Saturday in my mind for quite some time, but I didn't have the usual anxiety over getting it finished as usual. Thank you for all of your prayers. I know that it is due to your prayers that I am able to feel such peace while I am under such opposition.

It was a really bad week as far as my finances have been going. I had to buy a firearm, legal insurance for if you have to use your firearm, and a home security system. It is worth going over how I have been blessed by tithing.

Your tithe is supposed to be your first-fruits. I figure out my budget every night, projecting my expenses judging by my last month's and last year's expenses. Every night I figure out exactly how much money I can spend until the end of the month. I figure in my tithe before everything else. Tithing can teach you how to do that.

The Church teaches that you should budget your money so that you can stow a little away each month into your savings. I have been pretty good about doing that. I think that the blessing you get is that when an emergency comes up and you have to dip into your savings, you ought to have enough in your savings to cover expenses. This is how things have worked out for me.

I've also heard of people who when they are having a difficult month will dip into their savings to make an extra generous fast offering. They do this because they feel they need an extra blessing. I feel that this has taught me that even if I am having a bad month, I need to continue to give to my charities. When I am having a bad time, they need help just as much as ever. I am expecting a blessing for this.

God bless you guys for reading about me and caring. I love you guys.

Tuesday, June 30th

What some thinking blacks, women and other people of color have to say that bears on today's race rioting.

The prevailing social vision that took over in the 1960s explain the increase prevalence of rioting and crime.

With the prevailing social vision that attended "social justice" and the "welfare state" came a non-judgemental approach to bad behavior (rioting and looting are okay) and a curtailing of policing and punishment (serious crimes were not as seriously punished)1. But Thomas Sowell would argue that crimes like looting and rioting increased not because looters feared the police less, but because of the moral implications of the prevailing social vision.

The first line of defense against rioting and looting is morality and the law as a statement of the principles of morality. The prevailing social vision of "social justice" and the "welfare state" delegitimized the moral principle that you are responsible for yourself2. The prevailing vision of the welfare state is not that you are responsible for your welfare but that the government and society at large is responsible for your welfare. In essence, the vision of the welfare state says that the world owes you something and of course, you can justify looting and many other crimes by this kind of thinking. The idea of having a war on poverty dismisses the fact that individuals have a role [and a responsibility] in their own lives3.

Sowell likes to emphasize that in a society where you have [moral] self-control there is less need for government control. As an example of a society where there was self-control he points out London's society of 1954. The English like to pride themselves on their civility or self-control. In 1954 in London there were twelve armed robberies in a city where anyone could buy a shotgun with no questions asked. In only two decades after that in a country with some of the strictest gun control laws in the world there were over 1400 armed robberies4.

During the New York blackout of 1965 there was an actual decrease in the amount of crime. Sowell notes that there was an increase in crime in the 1977 New York blackout5 (just 12 years later) because of the undermining of morality which attended the social vision. Sowell also notes the failure of exchange buffets which had lasted 78 years prior to the 60s6. Exchange buffets were buffet restaurants where you would serve yourself food and tell the cashier what you had eaten and what your bill should be after your meal.

The systemic racism that is the cause of riots and looting is the prevailing social vision and thinking behind racially discriminatory government policies that are in effect telling blacks and other minorities that they deserve special treatment and handouts because of their race.

The minute a video goes viral on social media and become popularly accepted as what is going on in this country and is repeated over and over again by the [corrupt] mainstream media, groups like Black Lives Matter control the popular explanation of what causes inequality in this country. A popular anecdote can replace data, empirical evidence, logic and reasoning. Facts don't matter. Empirical data and evidence doesn't matter. Logic doesn't matter. Reason doesn't matter7. [For intelligent thinking people perhaps these last few sentences should be the rallying cries and appellations for this group.]

Many people of color are not sure that there is any evidence that the George Floyd incident was racially motivated8. Many blacks do not think Black Lives Matter is an authentic representative of black people's opinions. It is because the popular explanations of groups like Black Lives Matter are so prevalent, people simply assume that George Floyd's death was racially motivated9. There is an excess amount of media coverage of police violence against blacks10. Media coverage would lead you to believe that police use an excessive amount of force when the statistics say they do not11. The vast majority of black deaths occur at the hands of black people, yet the media ignores this12. Black people are being taught to fear the police through pop culture. Pop culture feeds the impression that acts of the police like those against George Floyd are common occurrences when they are not. Pop culture also tends to glorify criminality and that is entirely ignored in the media [the media is part of the deep state] and among black leaders12. Pop culture encourages blacks to identify themselves with victims and not with achievement13. George Floyd is not a very good person and yet the media presents him as sort of a black everyman. Most black people are not career criminals, drug addicts, drug dealers or poor14. There are commentators who are not only making excuses for the rioting but cheering it on14.1.

Rather than go ahead with the prevailing social vision of "social justice" and the "welfare state" we should figure out what the effect of these policies are before going through with them. Black thinkers have much to say about how these policies are not only ineffective, but they do great harm to blacks and black families15.

The Welfare state of the 60s undid 100 years of progress for blacks. Social welfare programs motivated black men to leave their families. From 1960 two thirds of all black American children were living with both parents. By 1995 among black families 85 percent of children had no father present16.

It is the legacy of the welfare state that has destroyed the black family and not the legacy of slavery17. From 1960 on the welfare state undid all the progress that blacks had made since the Civil War18. The welfare state motivates black parents to be irresponsible in their duties to their families. Black women were told by government officials that they could be awarded money if they would leave their husbands19. Surveys among poor black women show that poor black women often have children to get welfare20.

You get more of what you subsidize and we have been subsidizing poor behavior21. Generations of slavery and Jim Crow did not destroy the black family, but one generation of the welfare state did22. For the sake of their careers politicians will rationalize about the success of their mistakes in "social justice" and "welfare" programs rather than to admit them23.

We are living in an age where people are thinking that we can empower black people by electing black officials to office. But black thinkers realize that we need a system in which blacks can succeed no matter who is in office24. Several black thinkers explain how electing blacks into office does not advance the plight of impoverished blacks, but creates what they call "the ethnic grievance industry"25 and makes the poor a commodity26. [A commodity is a valuable thing which you wish to increase. The more poor you have the more poor people who will vote for politicians who promise government handouts to the poor.] [These arguments apply to all politicians who propose to enact racially discriminatory policies].

The black politicians are motivated to blame all problems encountered in the black community on the greater society. That enables them to take on the role of the defender of the black community against enemies. The black politicians are motivated to be self-serving in gathering black support [and in increasing the number of poor blacks] and votes rather than to help the blacks. Black politicians make the poor a commodity. Black politicians blame their failures on institutional racism27.

What we want is for conditions to be that black people can thrive no matter who is in office. Black leadership is pretty much nothing left but hustlers who work white guilt28. As with so many other groups around the world the leaders of groups that are lagging are often themselves one of the biggest handicaps of those groups because they have to depict the problems in ways [so that they may play] the roles of rescuers and so there will be no talk about how you can do this or that for yourself, they'll be talking about what the government can deliver for you29. Race relations reached their lowest point under Obama than in more of a quarter of a century30. Identity politics is appealing to people as collective groups rather than as individuals. It is divisive and causes polarization and strife31.

Black politicians blame their failures on institutional racism32. This is why they need groups like "Black Lives Matter" to generate false popular explanations of systemic racism, because these very black politicians are the ones who enact racially discriminatory policies. They need nonsensical logic and anecdotes that inflate isolated instances of ill behavior into a national systemic problem that was never there in the first place and draw attention away from the fact that these groups are a by-product of systemic racism themselves. These groups feed off of the errant prevailing social vision that justifies racially discriminatory government welfare and they wish to increase this kind of welfare to enrich themselves. This same prevailing social vision justifies politicians in tolerating rioting and looting. And violent groups like Black Lives Matter hope to continue to enrich themselves by looting and robbing with impunity.

Ayn Rand has something to say about collectivism. Her general thesis is that rational self-interest is our greatest ally in the fight against racism. "The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." We must guarantee individual political rights and make sure there is no legislation which discriminates in favor of or against any individual or group. Racial prejudice cannot be eliminated by law.

Collectivism takes place when men are forced to cling to one another in groups, because a collectivist society [today's society] is a society where groups of people are pitted against one another. And of course you are going to get this when politicians divide the voting public by running for office by promising to enact racially discriminatory government policies. And the easiest collective to join [or use and abuse] is a group based on race. So the prejudice [and strife] of racial groups pitted against each other is a by-product of collectivism. This is especially likely to happen when the individual has no rights, meaning or significance outside of his group. When people are afraid for themselves as individuals they will feel that they only have safety within a group. That is when and why people will show a tendency towards collectivism. And when people tend towards collectivism racism will be on the rise. The only way to bring racism to an end is by advocating individualism through a free society.

In a free society a white man's [or any man's] rational self-interest would end racism. Irrational people who insist upon being racist would be their own enemy. Rational, decent men and women would refuse to associate with those who are racially prejudiced, but you cannot forbid prejudice by law. A racist has a right not to associate with people he doesn't want to. Just as an evil man has a right to his evil ideas as long as he doesn't hurt anyone. In a free society neither a racist or an evil-thinking person would be a threat to anyone and their tendencies [toward evil] would gradually be eliminated by enlightened people and their rational self-interest.

According to Rand racism is the lowest most primitive form of collectivism and all forms of collectivism are eliminated in a free society where individualism is protected. "The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities33."

There are many black thinkers who maintain that there is no racial problem and that black people in today's society have everything they need to lift themselves out of poverty33a. Black people of the United States are the richest and most affluent group of Afro-Americans on the earth today33b. A lot of people are making money off of blaming America's problems on racism. There are no political solutions to racism. Politics cannot raise racial groups from poverty to affluence. Some [racial] groups are kept back by [racial] discrimination and some are not. The fact that some people didn't hire Jews in the 19th century didn't stop Jews from setting up and dominating industries such as the garment industry or the beginning of the great Hollywood studios or other areas of the economy33c.

Black leadership is pretty much nothing left but hustlers who work white guilt34. As with so many other groups around the world the leaders of groups that are lagging are often themselves one of the biggest handicaps of those groups because they have to depict the problems in ways by them to play the roles of rescuers and so there will be no talk about how you can do this or that for yourself, they'll be talking about what the government can deliver for you35.

Race relations reached their lowest point under Obama than in more of a quarter of a century36. Identity politics is appealing to people as collective groups rather than as individuals. It is divisive and causes polarization and strife37. Identity politics or collectivism and its rationale or social vision is the reason for the systemic racism of today that is the cause of looting and rioting.

I have already written about the origins of the deep state and their desire to control our local governments from a centrally directed federal police force. This was necessary when Hitler wanted to centrally control Germany. Once we have a centrally directed police state the federal government can start enforcing whatever laws they want to make and totally ignore our local police forces who represent "we the people" at its lowest level. Our local police are our friends and need our support. It is the democratically and more liberal locales that are keeping their police from preventing the riots and looting and they are having the most trouble because of their already corrupt leadership.

Perverts like Donald Trump and many of those he has appointed to government, now that people like me and others are bringing their crimes to light, need a centrally directed police force to keep themselves from being brought to justice by local governments that enforce severe penalties against child molesting.

While local governments are able to be strong there will always be good decent people that will have good laws and severe punishments for severe crimes. This is because good, decent people will always want to protect their children. Donald Trump and the deep state know this, and so that they can travel freely in areas where there is strong, decent government, they know they will need a centrally located police force that will protect them and ignore that they molest children and other innocent people. They want to freely molest your children.

Not long ago my mother told me the story of a doctor that went to Washington hoping to change things there by just being a good person. My mother told me not to tell this story, but I realize it is important and should definitely not be kept quiet. One day shortly after this man had something to drink at a party, he woke up alone in the aftermath of a scene of satanic ritual abuse. There were cameras still there and he realized that he had been photographed in a compromising scene that made it appear that he was a willing part of the sick and scandalizing activities that took place there. This frightened him and he moved out of Washington, D.C. afraid to ever return.

Just as the child abusing surveillists have been trying to convince the public that I am a child abuser, so the perverted deep state is trying to convince the public that anyone who is against their brand of child abuse is a child abuser. They have supposedly prestigious people like Jeffrey Epstein who run in the circles of the rich and powerful and make sure that everyone has committed some form of child abuse and can be blackmailed.

Donald Trump did not start claiming I was a sexual predator until surveillists started telling him that I was going to expose him as a child abuser and sexual predator. I had no plans on doing so until the Spirit told me that Trump was saying I was the criminal. Surveillists were desperate to get Trump on their side because they knew only getting him committed to the deep state vision could they work on getting a nationalized, centrally controlled police force. With a nationalized, centrally located police force and authority to persecute whomsoever they "think" is a criminal they will have virtually unlimited power and can label anyone a child molester that they wish to.

When someone commits virtually the worst crime you can imagine the only defense they have is to accuse those that would accuse them first. And that is what they will do with a national police force. The persecution of sexual morality is only beginning with me and it is going to spread across this continent. You will be in the best position to defend yourself with a strong, local government and a strong, local police department. I am praying for good people to run for office in local governments and keep them and our local police forces strong. Next to being willing to defend oneself this is our last bastion of defense against the deep state.

Surveillists and the deep state know that soon the citizens of our country will be forced to defend themselves, their wives and their children from the deep state and with a nationalized police force they will be best equipped to wage a war on us. The looting and rioting you see today is only a forerunner of what is to come. Today it may be your business is a place of unbridled violence. Tomorrow it your home and the things you hold most precious, the virtue and chastity of your wife and children, could be lost.

Another parallel to Nazi Germany is that monuments are being torn down. This took place in Nazi Germany and also in revolutions in other countries. These monuments were built because these people stood for principles which are an important part of history. Nowadays the children in our schools are not even taught what these monuments stand for and the principles which those who built them wanted to be remembered as a part of our history. This happened in the takeover of many now communist countries and it is happening in this nation for the purpose of destroying our history so that we do not understand the principles of freedom that our nation was founded upon.

Those who are actually tearing down these monuments are simply on a power trip36. They are low-life rioters and looters who have never amounted to much in their lives and the prospect of tearing down an important monument (for whatever poorly thought out reason or excuse) gives them a vain feeling of power and importance when they are nothing but mere criminals.

Anal rape is a disease which has affected our foreign policy and is a way of covering embarrassing events in other countries. When things really started taking off was when I started posting things on my website in Mexico. You will remember that they immediately sent an anal rapist after me to humiliate me into silence. This is how surveillists spies have been covering themselves in countries all around the world. We have a history of it in all countries in which we interfere and abuse our influence and technology to sexually abuse people. This was not an isolated incident. This is how spies cover embarrassing mistakes in other countries especially when they are caught in sexual abuse. The anal rapist that they set upon me was also someone that the local population of US citizens depended on when they were having disputes with locals.

Extortionists have become so involved in foreign affairs in other countries, there is nowhere else for them to expand their powers than to expand them into the territory of the United States. I have already written about the Illuminati and how they have morphed into the deep state. It was originally part of their plan to control powerful people by sexual extortion. As time has gone by more and more easily extorted people have risen to places of power in our system. By delegating executive, legislative and judicial powers to national security agencies and allowing them to break the Fourth Amendment with surveillist technology, as well as giving them power to treat anyone as a criminal they "think" is a criminal surveillists have come to incredible power in our country.

Now that it is becoming well-known that they are in fact extortionists and out-of-control anal rapists that can be whipped up into a murderous fury by the slightest provocation, more and more of them are having to come out into the open. And when they are confronted with the truth of their lack of self-control, they can become more dangerous than ever. The slightest thing can set them off.

This is a very real and escalating danger. We need to save the Constitution so that these people's progress can be halted.

If you will read the first volume in Gibbon's "The Rise and Fall of the Roman Emire", you will read about how they had a population of people who were literally bred to be prostitutes and sex slaves. Gibbon records that some of them would be horribly abused if they resisted. The deep state is already doing this secretly. Once they have a centrally controlled police force they can do these things openly. If you, your wife, or your children are attractive in any way, and they are not part of the elite culture which will run things and direct the affairs of the state, you or your children may be trafficked legally into this kind of life. It will be almost impossible to resist extortionists and anal rapists who will be running the state police force.

The deep state has no right to keep you or anyone from working and is doing all it can to undermine your most basic rights and even your rights to live. If they can do that, they can turn our entire country into the whorehouse they would like to make it into.

People often wonder why don't we have an accurate history. Why don't we have a recorded history that goes back to Adam and Eve. Or why do we have evidence of societies like the Egyptians who had paper and could have kept records much as we do today. So why do we have so little knowledge about them? It is because secret combinations destroy history just as they are working to destroy our monuments today. Those monuments and our knowledge of our Constitution (which is being destroyed by not teaching it in our schools) contain principles of freedom upon which many of the great civilizations of the past were based upon. This is a cycle which has recurred throughout history. This is a cycle of great civilizations rising and secret combinations being destroyed by the power of Satan. History and principles of freedom need to be eroded and forgotten so that elites, people that think they are better than the rest of us and that we need them to do our thinking for us, can take away our freedoms and make all our decisions for us. They want us to be their slaves and the worst kind of slave you can become is a sex-slave. The easiest way to train a sex-slave and get them to be compliant is from childhood.

This is why some cultures had child sacrifice. The adult populace is afraid of being anally raped or abused in any way. It is a way of saying, "here take my child [but silently saying, just don't hurt me]. I will kill my own child in the most excruciating way possible and then cannibalize them just to demonstrate that I would never want to make you feel guilty for any of the things you do to children." This is the origin of and where satanic ritual abuse leads. This is the kind of culture you get when you live by the rule that you would never stand against a person "inhibiting his appetites" or "inhibiting the way he or she expresses his or her sexuality." There has to be some limits and some things need to be severely punished or this is where we are heading.

The Church is going to a great deal of trouble to make and distribute surgical masks. Since I want to represent what our Church leaders encourage, I wear a mask in public.

One day ago about this time.

Now my psychiatrist is saying that he has never prescribed me any medication for high cholesterol. Undoubtedly surveillists have gone through their records and changed them to make this seem true. I don't know why they do this. I think it may be that they just want to get people to be against me in some way although it doesn't make much difference to me. It is more about showing loyalty to the surveillists than it is about annoying me.